Forum Post: focusing on corporate misdeeds is like treating the symptom but not the disease.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 9:25 p.m. EST by taxbax
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The government enabled the corporate corruption on both sides of the party lines.
Vote for leaders who will represent us fairly.
we're basically talking about regulation, but the problem is, no one trusts government to regulate because they are being funded by the same people we need them to regulate. We need to remove the money interests from government which means getting rid of CORPORATE PERSONHOOD so they can no longer donate money to political campaigns. CORPORATE PERSONHOOD is a sham, not ever really ruled on by the supreme court. It was written into the header of the decision by the court reporter and then later cited as precedent. It's a legal loophole, and an obvious one, that the Supreme Court refuses to rule on (check the Nike slander suit where they claimed the right to lie for corporations). Here's the link to the case that created the precedent:
just an example. If the politicians do not accept bribes then you don't need regulation against bribes.
or if there is no law outlawinng same-sex marriage, the you don't need one legalizing it.
more regulation is not necessarily the answer, but honest leaders are definitely an answer.
yep, and if we don't the money out of politics, we'll never have honest leaders. It's just a conflict of interest. The banks took 20 percent of the country's wealth with no strings attached AT ALL. No accountability, nothing. They were allowed to do this because former CEOs of those same banks are part of the government now, in the administration. Fox. Hen house.
agreed but we have a system for replacing political leaders already. We can't realistically do a citizens arrest on the CEOs of these corporations. I think that if we start by electing honest leaders, then the corporate accountability will follow.
agreed. now if only we could find some that can afford to run for office....
Well there is one man who doesn't take bribes and has been funded completely by individual people and not fortune 500 companies.
This is what the "shelter" argument got for California. This enormous, powerful and totally unaccountable separate governement that has a 5 billion dollar tax entitlement yearly. This movement is being hijacked by the bank using the words social justice" and "shelter" . If it was really about helping people w/ shelter they would give big tax breaks to poor renters but renters get nothing. Instead they pay wall st bank to build you housing at 500% markup.
be very very careful of the "social justice" thing. Wall street disguises itself as social justice ESPECIALLY in housing. If this reults in even MORE $ for sham affordable housing projects then we have lost. HUD and state affordable housing is a big black budget for fraud and for funneling $ between wall street and govt.
If ? everyone in Washington D.C. (and I mean all three branches of government) is in the pocket of some interest group (backed by Corporations) then there are no non-corrupt leaders. Admittedly it is a big "IF" but I believe it to be the case. Do you actually trust anyone in government? The entire system is corrupt therefore the vote is somewhat pointless. Some say vote for the lesser of the evils. Evil is evil...sort of like being either are or are not. Everyone in Washington suffers from situational ethics. Those not in power (us) are simply pawns on the political chessboard. There is no easy solution, but there is a solution.
There is a candidate who has not been financed by wall street. I won't utter his name here for fear of immediate contradiction, but ill let you google it yourself if you want to know.
True. Here's the greater context: it's a tango that the IB's sometimes lead and the politicians sometimes lead. For example, 'insider trading' rules don't apply to many Federal employees, so, the investment banks make tremendous fees and commissions on trades done with this knowledge, thus making them wealthy in a way that is not available to the general investing public. Then the Investment Banks (IB) will manage that federal employee with smooth graces and complimentary recognition (bribery) in order to keep restrictive legislation off the radar, thus allowing a sweet marriage of insider trading and politician management in balance.
It is not the "government" or the "corporations" but the evil people in them who are making life hell for the 99% of the good people. Remove these evil people and life will get better. Government is made up of people good and bad and evil. Corporations are made up of people, good and bad and evil.
Corporations are the disease that's infected OUR government with their money and bribery.
as long as there are politicians who take bribes, there will be corporate interests to bribe them. First and foremost we need leaders who will not accept bribes. Only then can we expect the system to change.
But to get leaders who don't accept bribes we need to end the influence of wall street in washington.
haha, well thats pretty cyclical.
If we vote in someone who has not accepted money from a corporate interest for a campaign, then we should be able to trust (at least more so) that they will not accept corporate bribes as well.
I have one in mind but ill let you find out who it is on your own.
Yes it is lol
I sure hope it's not Ron Paul.
look it up :)