Forum Post: Focus: The core message of OWS?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 19, 2012, 7:48 p.m. EST by jrhirsch
from Sun City, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Here is an idea of what I think our message should be. Would like to hear what yours ideas are and add them together, refine them, and form a clear and concise message that we so desperately need.
{The people who are aligned with the movement "Occupy Wall Street" desire to expose and remove the causes of the unjust disparity of wealth and power in the United States.
We consider those corporations, financial institutions, and wealthy individuals that unfairly influence government through political donations and other means as a threat to our Democracy, and the means by which they further increase their unjust and immoral economic and political control of our government.
Instead of a government by and for the people, we say it has become a government by and for the wealthy. With the reigns of Democracy stolen from the people, reducing us to servants, they are free to further impoverish the people by legislation that favors the wealthy.
We say that all unfair influence of government must cease, and instead should only be influenced by individuals on an equal basis, regardless of wealth or power. This is the only proper remedy to restore the health and well being to the whole of our nation.
It is the choice of the people in which direction our nation should take, not just the elite. We demand the reigns of Democracy be taken back into the firm grip of the people, the rightful heirs.}
From what I have read the patriots accounted for 40-50% of the population, the loyalists, 15-20%, and undecided, 30-45%. OWS clearly has it's job cut out.
I dont know the numbers but the american revolution didn't have many participants but the rebels pushed on. And like you say we should stay focused, power to the people.
It wasn't OWS involvement that made an impact in the strike. It was mainly the larger corporate websites. Google, Wikipedia, and others. We fail to attract more people to OWS because our message is unclear. Without more members, we are impotent.
There was a strike against SOPA/PIPA on Wednesday. Thousands of web sites participated. A clear message, a solid goal, pressure applied to congress through the media buzz and letters. The result, several legislators that had been supporters, in a couple of cases sponsors of these bills, have pulled back and withdrawn support.
The fight isn't over, but it should point out that if you focus on one issue at a time and gather support you can make headway. Politicians will respond to numbers. Nothing is going to get accomplished as long as action is this protest du jour approach, or limited to posting ideas, no matter how good they are.
Well stated. Get money out of politics, reinstate Glass-Steagall, get the economy working for the majority of people, not just the wealthy and corporations and return the democracy to the people.
No free-wheeling unregulated capitalism. No plutocracy.
Those are just words. And while they are pretty words that most people can agree upon, they accomplish nothing on their own. People aren't going to pay attention to words for long-hence the dropping numbers of your supporters. And even 7 million people shouting the same words, are still just words.