Forum Post: Focus, Please.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 11:05 a.m. EST by musicinaword
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You all need focus. Cant we fight for something that is attainable. Campaign Finance reform. Elimination SuperPACs, Making insider trading illegal for Members of Congress. Wont these institutional changes lead to more systemic and societal changes? Or at least get us in the right direction? But sans focus you will not be looked at as any more than a bunch of hippies doing drugs in the park.
This isn't a movement to poke around the real problem: that being that our system is beyond repair. This means No law, or even few laws, will fix the decades of corruption that has seeped into every aspect of government.
First thing you all need to do is get yourselves off the Michael Moore plane....
He doesn't care about the 99%
Perception is critical. Positive. Its not. Make it so.
Focus on voting for a conservative candidate, and you will see real growth in the economy, for the benefit of everyone. Obama's socialism experiment...a miserable failure