Forum Post: Focus on the Issues
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 12:38 p.m. EST by emeflag
from Flagstaff, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
On this forum I've been spending, perhaps wasting, a lot of time debating economic policy and who's accountable for the economic mess we are in. I have concluded that these issues are too divisive to achieve any kind of consensus with such a large and varied group especially given there are many on the forum dedicated to discounting the #OWS.
On the other hand, the issues of corporate greed and the incestuous relationship between our Government and Corporations appears to be a nearly universal outrage. So here is what I am going to be focusing on in #OWS
1) Identify socially irresponsible Corporations and work at forcing a change in their behavior. Boycott irresponsible corporations until they change their ways. You can only get their attention when you impact their profit margin. There is power in numbers so collectively we can make change happen.
2) Demand change in our political system to restore power to the 99%. Through unlimited campaign financing and a massive lobbying effort corporations now dominate our political process. Currently there are six big-money lobbyists for every congressmen, none of which represent me.