Forum Post: Focus on one change for now
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 10:07 a.m. EST by bryanbrainard
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I agree too many demands. I a thrilled this is taking place in America. My suggestion would be to limit the conversation for now to "term Limits" Once term limits are in place the control the leadership of both parties have over the Senators and Representatives will be limited. Once term limits are in place our vote will actually have the power to put honest people into office and when they get to DC they will be able to do what they have promised to do as the parties will no longer control each persons vote.
Term limits are not going to matter once we feel the full effect of the global depression that is coming.
The Eurozone is unraveling. The only way to save the U.S. dollar now is to default on the debt, stop spending money on the wars, and truly start to rebuild the economy.
I hate to break it to you, but we live in the Weimar Republic.