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Forum Post: Focus ideas for OccupyWall Street

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 11:12 a.m. EST by reasonablerich (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Make magnetic phrases for cars Make Yard signs with our goals Some Goals for Organization: How to Win in 2012: 9-9-9 $900 Billion for infrastructure projects, .09% speculation Fee on Wall Street, 9% surtax on those making over $1 Million Dollars. 90% Tax on Bonuses for executives. 9 months of no interest on home loans

A.  Job Creation
    Tax credits to companies that hire or train workers
        B.  Immigration Reform:  

    Dream Act.     C.  Defense Department:
    Get out of Afghanistan and Iraq
                D.  Internal Revenue Service:
    Individual Income Tax
    Get rid of all subsidies, loopholes, and unfair deductionsSo start from a "0" tax code.          Bush tax cuts are discontinued
    Capital Gains and Dividends treated as ordinary income
            Estate tax back to Clinton era  rates.
            Eliminate corporate welfare for oil, gas, and coal
    Financial speculation tax (derivatives, foreign exchange)
            Corporate Income Tax  to e.g. minimum tax rate

25% can be reduced to 20% by building plants in USA and new hires, for clean energy start ups E. Social Security: No Cap FICA

F. Medicare, Affordable Care Act, Medicaid: Single Payer Negotiate purchase of drugs (30% savings) H. Voting Rights Bill--Photo ID only for those who have previously been convicted of voter fraud. Absentee voting with no need of excuse. Development of On Line Voting using the same security as the SSA 2 weeks time to vote, at sites convenient for all Make Presidential Elections a Work Holiday. I. Start up help for Green Energy and credits to those who purchase clean energy equipment. J. Re-negotiate Trade Agreements so on level playing field. K. Housing--buy up foreclosures, rent or rent to own. Help to people who are nearing foreclosure. L Making Congress work--Changes in the Senate rules so filibusters M. National Lottery--to supplement infrastructue projects, buying up foreclosures, job creation, hiring of teachers, police, firemen, and other projects needed for smooth operation of government. N. Student Loan Forgiveness O No Mortgage Interest for one year.



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