Forum Post: Flyer Campaign To Fight The Mayor's Smear Campaign!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:42 a.m. EST by sunlover1975
from Brooklyn, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"URGENT: Please get the word out. The mayor's office is falsely telling reporters that labor/community organizations and OWS will attempt to shut down the subways. THIS IS NOT TRUE. At 3PM, we will be at various subway stations to give people information about the 5PM rally. THIS IS A SMEAR CAMPAIGN attempting to discredit today's events!"
I read that this morning and I really feel more then ever, it would really be to the movements benefit to organize a flyer campaign.
This idea was pretty much inspired by the verizon worker strike of a couple months ago where they didn't just protest in one or two areas, they were at (what seemed like) every verizon wireless store - even in areas where you never saw any sort of protest (like in mine). They stood in small groups, and passed out flyers which educated people on what they were doing.
I really feel now would be a great time for Occupy Wall Street to take this as their own. It would not only be a great alternative to camping out (for those who can't (parent with small children, people in wheelchairs) but it would help fight the smear campaign on a very local and organic level.
I can cover bits of my neighborhood, but this needs to be organized. Anyone else interested?