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Forum Post: Fly the Flag...In a way that shows the true distress of Americans today

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 5:27 p.m. EST by divebum1 (87)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Personally, I think every flag in Zucotti Park should be flown upside down. It is the universally recognized sign of Americans in Distress! One last Caveat...there is no American Flag large enough to cover the shame of killing untold innocent civilians in Wars of Occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan!



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[-] 3 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

The upside down flag is a bit ambiguous.. For the military, it means distress. When civilians do it, it usually represents extreme anti-Americanism.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

No it usually means that Americans are in distress....look it up.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

No...it represents America. When Americans burn the flag...that's Democracy. When Muslims burn the flag that's anti-America. But let's get it right. We all live and die for our rights. And anyone who says we don't is fucking wrong! SO I get to say what I want...right or WRONG!

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"SO I get to say what I want...right or WRONG!"

Sounds divisive. It's still ambiguous. Free speech also goes to people that spread hate for publicity and ratings or web page hits to their blogs. They are desperate to misrepresent everything the Occupy movement does. People like Andrew Breitbart, James O'Keefe, and Glenn Beck will take any opportunity they can to spread as much hate in this country as possible and they don't give a damn if one of their followers starts killing people. There are already people like Byron Williams and Richard Poplawski that have already murdered people based solely on what these demagogues told them. You can do what you want and I can't stop you. But I do have the right to say that it's ambiguous.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Do you really believe that?

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

I believe that if the protesters start waving upside down flags, they simply will not be judged by their intentions.

This movement has a lot of potential to succeed.

But it is also has the potential to have its overall narrative (coming soon) overshadowed by douchebag pundits and bloggers that are eagerly waiting to turn it into the next scapegoat or red herring. Just like they have with gay marriage, sharia law, and the list goes on and on.

[-] 1 points by Nulambda (265) 13 years ago

Maybe we do need a new flag. This is an occupation. To me the flag represent corporate empire. Not what the founding fathers had in mind.... Actually, let's wave the original star and stripes.... (too retro?)

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"Actually, let's wave the original star and stripes.... (too retro?)"

I like it.

We'll us the original Betsy Ross flag


Which I think is way better than the Gadsden (Don't tread on me) flag.

Or maybe we can use the current one, but have 1 of the stars replaced by a half-star(representing the 1% that we don't need)??

Or.... We could spell out 99 using stars??

[-] 1 points by Nulambda (265) 13 years ago

K.I.S. Keep it simple,

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

No. You are wrong. Extreme anti americanism burns our flag.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"Extreme anti americanism burns our flag."

You are correct that burning the flag is a display of extreme anti-americanism, but even that is ambiguous. The ceremonial disposal of worn out American flags involves burning them.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Yeah...but they usually don't wipe their ass with it first...

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

And I would defend with my life their right to do so....as I have already done.

[-] 2 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 13 years ago

If you want to alienate the vast majority of Americans, that certainly would be the way to do it.

[-] 1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

I fly a mixture of three flags - the American flag, the Rebel flag, and the Don't Tread on Me flag - because I think that one combined message best embodies the American spirit.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I disagree, and I think most Americans would also.

[-] 1 points by BrainC (400) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

and I disagree. It would definitely be offensive to some. Is the amount of support it will receive worth alienating the people it will offend?

Also remember, the media gets to spin it in any way they like, and it will probably work against the cause.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I don't know , Brian. if you were getting shot at, and you needed help, would it matter how the media spun it? Your call. I'm on my own here. But I could use your help. Mike.

[-] 1 points by BrainC (400) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

are you saying the people in NYC at Zucotti Park are being shot at?

I see a big difference between being in distress because you are being shot at and protesting because of a disagreement. I see it like calling 911 because the economy is in danger.

I believe the signs and demonstrations by the OWS gets the message across without needlessly offending, at least on this topic.

[-] 0 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Most Americans are already sympathetic to Occupy Wall Street.

Also, it's not like you're burning the flag - you're signalling that our nation is in distress.

[-] 2 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 13 years ago

I get that, just sayin that it will offend many people, unnecessarily IMO.

Displaying the flag right side up and respectfully would be far more effective in uniting the 99%. It would also make less likely that people would to see this only as a leftist movement. The flag is a powerful emotional symbol of patriotism for most Americans.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Marines are as Patriotic as they come...

[-] 1 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 13 years ago

I'm not questioning the patriotism of anyone who flies the flag this way, just pointing out that others may react in ways which may not help accomplish our objectives.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Firstly, the objectives are not clearly defined. Secondly, Patriotism is a state of being, not an act of rebellion. I decline to be labelled as a rebel. If you choose to label me as one, label me as this; ("Dangerous: Secure his Hands behind his back: Capable of extremity in the moment of violence of action!" (Has killed under the color of war -3- )

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Absolutely! But don't you think that most Americans who fly the flag also know that it signals a nation in distress?

There are no flag burners here! I think it's safe to say that OWSers and Americans of all political stripes love this country, and want to improve on it. They just don't agree on how to accomplish it.

[-] 2 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I will say this. There are many who are chopping at the branches of what they see as the tree that is choking this country. I, and others like me, are going after the roots of that tree. When we find it, and we will; we will dig it up. And we will pull up every last bit of root from it. Trust that. As long as it takes. That's your sound bite. "As long as it takes." As long as it takes...

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Like Jackson said on his death bed, "I killed the bank!"

Strike at the root of the many headed viper! Strike hard and keep striking, "as long as it takes."

[-] 1 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 13 years ago

I really don't know what the percentages might be, but there are those who don't know, and also those who do know but don't think the distress symbol as protest statement is respectful.

The other thought I had, isn't the distress symbol a call for rescue? In that way, it is a symbol of being powerlessness to extricate yourself from the situation.

I think the flag flown normally is a far more powerful symbol of willingness to keep fighting no matter what it takes.

"The rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there."

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

No...flying the flag upside down is a genuine call for help...for assistance...for reinforcements... call it! Call it now! Winter is coming!

[-] 0 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I would never desecrate our Flag. If there was ever a time in MY life to display a distress sign...NOW is IT!

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Yes and I daresay, things will get worse before they are going to get better. The Eurocrisis is starting to catch fire. Sunday is a critical day for the Euro and failing megabanks. After the Euro fails (as it ultimately will) I fear for people's life savings and the U.S. dollar. The stockmarket casino is soon going to run out of gas. When it does, this will be much, much worse than the Great Depression. This will be the Global Greatest Depression.

[-] 1 points by Betty27 (13) 13 years ago

I served in the Navy. It is perfectly clear what he is saying. Get the fuck off his case. This country is in distress! Are you STUPID?

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I really got no where else to go....

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Let's see. You're queer. I'm here. I need a beer. Fuk dat. But I have skills you don't know about.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Just say it...go away...that will do...

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I see more than you think I see...

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

listen...I' may be blind... but I'm not deaf...

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

So you are not gonna let me back on...

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Is it true that flying the American Flag upside down is a type of...(No it is not)

According to Section 8a of the United States Flag Code, "The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." This is a signal to all Americans to come to the aid of those displaying the American Flag in such a manner. It should be an indication to any who observe the Stars and Stripes flown in such a way as a cry for assistance and a plea for help to those who see it from a distance and from afar. Waving the American Flag in such a way should be construed as a cry for assistance and not be taken lightly by any foreign host. Help should be immediately rendered and protection offered to those under the Flag whose hand it raised.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

The problem here is ego. Ego is frothing to the surface. It happens in every revolution. What usually happens though, is that the the people that wield that ego, get shoved out of the way. That's what is gonna happen here. I get to watch. I'm down here. Do you see me? The guy sleeping under the tarp? Yep? That's me. You go. I stay. So goes revolutions.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

bannik311'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore. bannik311 "Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore. bannik311 "Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Hit it...I dare ya's

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by dankpoet (425) 13 years ago

That initially didn't strike me like a good idea. But damn I think I'm convinced...It would probably help if each flag had its own signage contingent with SOS and US in Distress posters to prevent the media from spinning too hard. Thanks for the eye opener.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Thanks brother...every hand helps...

[-] 1 points by dankpoet (425) 13 years ago

Thank you. Tactically speaking, you are my hero. Our one demand, as I believe that is all we can afford has to be: Amend the Constitution for government ONLY financing of elections, no contributions, from anyone; rendering Citizens United a moot point. It’s the only piece of this that resonates with the anti-establishment left, the anti-establishment right and everyone in between. Including many who make 350k+ believe me its great to make that kind of money but that doesn't mean you want to spend it on some ones (or even your own) campaign where the mega-corps and uber-unions are going to drown you out anyway. Oh, and its spin-proof. The logical contortions involved in trying to spin this would only push people to us.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

So who is walking off with the money???

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

After 100 comments I become a troll...lookout...300,000 dollars makes some people see stars. So I am a troll. But what have I said? Go back and look at what I have said? Do not be bought out! Do not be sold out!

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Even this has been co-opted

[-] 1 points by bannik311 (83) 13 years ago

Divebum is a known troll. Please ignore all his threads and comments.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Can't find him...works for the guys collecting the money...I guess I am a Troll...what about him? Has anybody asked about him? Hit his marker? Where does it lead? No where.... The Deaf...being lead by the ..... look around you....

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

It also has a lot of potential to fail. Ask me all about it...

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

You can arrest a revolutionary. But you cannot arrest a revolution. Those who think they control the revolution, often find themselves in front of a firing squad...

[-] 1 points by Mike122333 (102) 13 years ago

'Manage Foes' is my favorite personally configurable feature at the sister Forum, http://www.themultitude.org/. Imagine not having to look at the ridiculous anymore.

"Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators."

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

That is an interesting way of filtering out those you think cannot contribute to your cause. Good luck at it. It doesn't work. It's been tried before.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

FLAGS UPSIDE DOWN! Thank you. Show Solidarity with Occupy WallStreet!

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I believe it is time for all Americans to go out in their yards and turn their flags upside down. To show that America, the America they love, is in distress!

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I dare you...FLY IT UPSIDE DOWN! Because I am coming. With my Flag. And mine will be in DISTRESS! FLY IT! TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL! What is a flag for? Michael....

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Fly the Flag UPSIDE DOWN! It will attract the attention of the Media and the Military and the Tea Baggers and the rest of America!! It is the Universal American Sign of Distress and Call For Help! It is Unmistakable in it's meaning! No one will see it as a sign of disrespect! They will see it for what it is! AMERICANS CALLING FOR JUSTICE! Americans calling for HELP!

[-] 1 points by SmallBizGuy (378) from Savannah, GA 13 years ago

Leave the flag out of it. It is the last thing standing that represents everyone fairly.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

No..it's the ONLY thing that represents everyone fairly...

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Embassies, ships, stations, outposts, remote stations, foxholes. Fly the American Flag UPSIDE DOWN! IT is A SIGNAL OF DISTRESS! Help will come! Somehow, someway, someone, will come to your aid! AMERICA WILL COME! Is anyone coming to yours?

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I can buy the biggest American Flag I can find and bring it down to (Liberty Park) and fly it upside down to prove my point. Should I do that? And call every Marine (former-active) I can to my side! Would that prove my point!

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I'm guessing you are a marine?

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Yes...and so was my brother...and he is dead...but I live for a better America...like he would have wanted and I wish for.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I'm sorry about your brother. My future stepson is in marine ROTC right now. I hope he is astute enough to sort out the truth from the lies in this great country that has been betrayed by our own leaders. He is young and does not understand the shameful injustice of these wars we are fighting.

Thank you for your service to this great country and for your unmistakable patriotism.

When I realize that there are service men and women who realize the truth, and they are willing to speak it and act on it, it makes me feel like we can win the hearts and minds of all of the people. It gives me much more hope. I have been reading about all of these things for almost a year now. I guess you could say sometime around the 2010 election I took the 'red pill'.

Those few in OWS who would badmouth the military do not understand the oath that they took to defend the very freedoms we are expressing right now. I also fear most do not understand how close we are to losing those freedoms altogether.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

You have nothing to fear. Marines are not robots. On the contrary. They are America's Finest. When America calls, they will be there. Do not believe for a moment that America's Marines will betray Her to the despots who have taken over the cause that made Her great!

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I was so moved by the video of Sargent Thomas when he defended ordinary unarmed citizens against the NYPD's brutal treatment.

His words were so true and so powerful:

Now, we must win over the police rank and file. They have families too. They want a future too. They will realize that they will be sold up the river eventually just like all of the 99%. The elite thinks it can just throw all of us away like so much trash onto the dustbin of history.

NO. We will win. We will speak the truth. We will defend honor. We will protect our children for now and for the future.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

The Truth is...you are right. My problem is I have a service animal. But I am beyond worrying about getting arrested. I was...but now I am not. Where I go..she goes. I am not moving. She is not moving. We only have this one chance to get this right . If we get it wrong, the whole planet pays for our cowardice....I have grandchildren... I am ready to give everything I have.. for them...

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I agree. If we lose freedom in America, there is no place else left to run.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

He is dead and I am blind...is there anything else you would like to know?

[-] 1 points by Space (79) 13 years ago

We should be excited that we are getting to a place where real change is going to happen. Times are going to be difficult when the crash hits, but people are reading the constitution and thinking about liberty, and personal responsibility, the republic will come out stronger!

fly you flag with pride.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Fly it UPSIDE DOWN! Let Every AMERICAN KNOW! That America is in Distress!

[-] 1 points by Space (79) 13 years ago

Crying over spilled milk does not help anyone. We need to get up, clean up the mess and pour another glass.

fly the flag with pride

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I think it's brilliant.

It is so right on, our nation is most definitely in distress.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

We are...it's right...and the world will notice...

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

The next time I come to Zucotti Park (Liberty Park) My Flag will be flying upside down. (And that is soon. I am in LI but I am from the Canadian Border.)

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I'm behind you 100%, divebum.

A powerful symbol, to be sure.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Thank you....Everyone feels the support...honestly...everyone does...

[-] 1 points by danjb25 (1) 13 years ago

I wish you could know the truth about what your speaking about

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I served four years in the Marines. Ask me about it sometime. My brother served with me. Ask me about him sometime. He's dead. I think I can speak with some authority.

[-] 1 points by DavitchFarynVago (128) from Massena, NY 13 years ago

I think he's right. Fly every single flag upside down. That will change the tenor of this protest.

[-] 2 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I could be wrong. I frequently am. But I was never wrong for caring about the country I love or defending the values that made her strong.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease...true...but at least we will have a place to start. Soon we will stop hacking at the branches and look for the roots.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

Men do not rally around pieces of cloth. They do not fight for flags. They fight for the women and children whose lives are hidden behind the walls the flags are flown upon. Marines have stood upon those walls longer than this country has lived. We have always been here, and we will fight along side what is right. That is why we are here. I did not fight for Wall Street. I fought for my Country. That she has a Flag is to each of us our great benefit. For without it, you would have nothing to wave but your hands. And who would follow anyone into battle against an enemy you are just now beginning to discover without one??

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Think about how many flags are flown on Independence Day. If they were instead flown upside down, they would be a much more truthful tribute to the fact that our liberties have been taken from us, we are no longer independent, and most importantly, that we have been betrayed by our own government.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

You are so right!!!

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

That thought was from Adam Kokesh (DC truth activist) who had a similar idea for this past July 4th - but people were still asleep; they weren't ready yet.

But they are waking up now!!

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

It is a signal that is taught to every wet boot Marine recruit as he enters Parris Island. It is not a new Idea, but an old truth come home. Raise THE FLAG IN DISTRESS!

[-] 1 points by msantos (131) 13 years ago

I'm down with that! Let's show the ugly truth of how our government is abusing and mis representing the sole means; the base of this country established by the founding fathers!

[-] 1 points by msantos (131) 13 years ago

I'm down with that! Let's show the ugly truth of how our government is abusing and mis representing the sole means; the base of this country established by the founding fathers!

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

I'm a former Marine. I fought for this flag. Did you?

[-] 1 points by stevonbi (85) 13 years ago

I joined the USCG @ 17 years old, then the army. My mom, my dad, my brother, my uncle. and both grandfathers fought for this country. Fought so people had the right to freedom of expression...not so somebody could shut them up for not having served. Shame on you. The thing we fight for is the right to say what you want, to love the flag, to wear the flag, to fly it upside-down if you want. That IS the signal for distress. We are distressed and we are protesting. You need to join us and stop the nazi shit..........

[-] 2 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

You should be proud of your service and the service of your family members. We have defended their rights to say what they wish. It is defending the things we hate to hear that makes this the America we have defended. It is easy to defend the things we like to hear. I'm proud to stand with you.

[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

You said it Brother!

[-] 1 points by msantos (131) 13 years ago

I'm down with that! Let's show the ugly truth of how our government is abusing and mis representing the sole means; the base of this country established by the founding fathers!

[-] 1 points by msantos (131) 13 years ago

I'm down with that! Let's show the ugly truth of how our government is abusing and mis representing the sole means; the base of this country established by the founding fathers!

[-] 0 points by divebum1 (87) 13 years ago

No...wait...I've been banned...so kiss my ass....and lets have a party....a tea party

[-] 0 points by OWSForObama (151) 13 years ago

Burn the flag!