Forum Post: Florida's "justifiable homicide rate triples" - well done! NRA & ALEC
Posted 12 years ago on March 26, 2012, 9:06 p.m. EST by bensdad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
MIAMI ( – As some state lawmakers are calling for a re-thinking of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, which allows people to defend themselves from danger without the need to first try to get away, an analysis of state data shows deaths due to self defense are up over 200 percent since the law took effect.
The shooting death of Trayvon Martin by an armed, self-appointed Central Florida crime watch volunteer who claimed he shot in self defense has sparked a national debate about Florida’s law, technically known as the Castle doctrine.
Until 2005, it was generally considered self defense if someone tried to get into your home or invade your property, so long as you could show deadly force was the last resort. In 2005, the “Stand your Ground” law removed the need to retreat before using force, even in public. That’s the justification George Zimmerman used when he shot and killed Miami Gardens teen Treyvon Martin, who was returning to his father’s fiance’s house from a convenience store visit when Zimmerman spotted him and deemed him suspicious. Before the police he called arrived, he claims Martin attacked him and he shot in fear for his life. Police accepted his story, and let him go, sparking national outrage. Zimmerman remains free.
That kind of thing is happening a lot, according to FDLE statistics obtained by CBS4′s David Sutta. According to state crime stats, Florida averaged 12 “justifiable homicide” deaths a year from 2000-2004. After “Stand your Ground” was passed in 2005, the number of “justifiable” deaths has almost tripled to an average of 35 a year, an increase of 283% from 2005-2010.
“The Legislature needs to take a look at Stand Your Ground,” Florida Sen. Oscar Braynon, D-Miami Gardens told CBS4 news partner The Miami Herald, “This is a perfect case of where it goes awry. This could only be the beginning of more problems down the road. It has unintended consequences.” “When the Legislature passed this in 2005, I don’t think they planned for people who would go out and become vigilantes or be like some weird Batman who would go out and kill little kids like Trayvon.”
Gov. Rick Scott, speaking with reporters following a Cabinet meeting, agreed, though without committing to supporting any particular legislation. “When you see any violence it’s always positive to … go back and look at existing law and see the impact and the consequences of it,” Scott said. “If there’s something that we need to adjust I’m hopeful that the Legislature would be interested in taking that up.”
-----Original Message----- From: VVV PR [] Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 6:29 PM To: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '' Subject: A Piece of Advice to CBS 4 Miami News (@CBSMiami)
A Piece of Advice to CBS 4 Miami News (@CBSMiami):
Your televised version of this race-baiting propaganda piece was even more full of innuendo, half-truths and outright lies than the crap you posted here. First of all, even IF $1,000 of damage was done, to a Walgreens store that is chump change. "Ransacked"? My butt! Secondly, you neither posted nor aired evidence that $1,000 of damage was done anyway: All I saw were a few bags of what appeared to be cookies and candy (unopened and undamaged) lying in an otherwise clean and empty aisle. Third, your "several hundred protestors" looked more like 20 or 30 kids. Fourth, the BS about one of them "dropping his student ID card" for police to find is about as credible as the FBI saying on 9/11 that although two of the tallest steel and concrete edifices ever built were literally pulverized to dust in seconds - along with all the people and property within them - they were still able to find a "hijacker's passport" that survived not only the crash but the so-called "inferno" and the (un)time(ly|d) demolition that followed with little more than a corner that looked like it had been singed by a Bic Lighter.
Who wrote this crap for you? Is Karl Rove slumming?
@CBSMiami A Piece of Advice to #CBS #Miami 4 #News: #TrayvonMartin #Anonymous #OWS #Occupy!/VVVPR/status/184772483688312832
yes well done NRA and ALEC! better to buy a bullet to clean up this world, than to put more economic burden on the people for court costs, and prisons! Im feeling my wallet a little heavier after reading this, so again i say, well done!
A better - more inclusive - cleaner idea - God should get out his eraser and start over
Zimmerman pursued Treyvon. The law needed to be changed. If someone assaulted you in the state of Florida before the new law and you defended yourself, you would be treated the same and do the same time as your attacker. Zimmerman should not be helped by a law that allows me to defend myself and family. He should be hung in the public square because he pursued with gun in hand, then killed an unarmed child, after being told by an officer/deputy to stop pursuit before he pulled that trigger.
You believe in this system enough to pimp out at least one party, and Obama for sure. Now you want to cry because things which are legal, increase. Sadly amusing.
Has it ever dawned on you that there are lots of people just itching to be killed? You know Dee, people who are disrespectful hate mongers and much worse.
The criminal element has learned to take advantage of their ultimate new found freedom. And now that cats out the bag if we don't reverse these insane laws we are in for quite a bit of blood bathing. It could become epidemic. The gun lobby has to jumping for joy. Gun sales will skyrocket.
Did it ever even occur to you that this shooting may have been justified, with or without the stand your ground law? The latest developments today certainly make it seem that way.
Really? Latest developments. You mean the one about the investigator that made an affidavit, the night of the murder, that he didn't believe Zimmerman's self defense story?
Is that the story you heard? I think that only shows that the whole self defense get off the hook deal has fallen through.
I think it is a case of a man being tried and found guilty by the press and a large chunk of America has thrown "innocent until proven guilty" out the window and plays right along.
In reality, both of these young men had balls bigger than their brains. We may never know exactly what happened and the sad thing is stuff like this happens everyday.
It's going to stop and we are going to reverse these stupid laws so more innocent people aren't mowed down by over-zealous watchman. The investigator said that Zimmerman should have been arrested that night. He signed an affidavit stating that fact.
Do you understand how evidence works MookS?
Yes, and if they had some I am sure he would have been arrested. That Florida law is ridiculous, I agree with you there. But if it really played out like Zimmerman and that witness said it would be justified in any state, stupid Florida law or not.
The DA would be pretty shortsighted to press charges without a convincing case because if found not guilty, double jeopardy would then apply to the case. As it is now, with the testimony and evidence available to the public, even a defense attorney fresh out of law school could plant plenty of reasonable doubt in a jury.
Be honest, how many people do you know of, that need killing?
Good point Vantagepoint!
It's a surreal feeling when it gets down to the guns and how people generally misuse the hell out them to their peril. The most twisted part is the repeated tragedy of the little boy who picks up Daddy's loaded gun and kills little sister with, or himself. Unintended consequences. Home invasions so rarely that when they do it's big news. SOme people have a gun because they think some day some guy will come barreling through their door ready to kill anything and everything for no reason in particular. But what happens is their own child get their brains splattered all over the kitchen. They moved from that house. This story gets repeated in every town in America for those paying attention to their local news. The story changes but in the end it's a bullet that knows no difference to anything, it's heavy metal. It's impact is loud and violent.
When I was ten I had one in my face. I know about guns.
So really, be honest, do you not know at least 500 people that need killing? If not by firing squad, then by hanging in town square.
Self-defense isn't insane, it's common sense. Here's a tip: don't break into someone'shouse. They are no longer obligated to do nothing to stop you. Gee, i couldn't use deadly force because I only thought they might rape me. LOL. Libtard.
The law covering someone breaking into your house has been in effect for decades now. This new law has nothing to do with that.
Reason, have you been paying attention?
Who said we can't defend ourselves? (This is not the issue)
Have you? That wasn't the law before and still isn't in many places. In many places, you're ob,igated to retreat and simply accept being a victim.
BS. Not true. If a person breaks into your house and you believe, reasonably, that the person means to you bodily harm, you may blast away at your pleasure. I hope you know how to use a firearm it helps because once the decision is made to kill it must be done as quickly as possible. Empty the bullets. There's a reason Reason the police do it this way. Don't ya think?
I agree, in your house. Bang, Bang. BUT, you may not shoot the intruder in the back as they are fleeing. Then you have committed murder, clearly, ballistics, simple physics, likely you get manslaughter for being gun stupid and too terrorized to act rationally.
Gung Ho!!!
So what kind of Gun do you have Mr. Reasonable?
Yeah, well that's the thing. What sort of DA at the moment is going to be second guessing "reasonable"? The laws are designed to keep you from being victimized y the system afterr already being victimized by a perp. You shouldn't need to hire a lawyer for defending yourself or your property; the law makes it all clearer so you can get back to your life without looking over your shoulder.
Self defense is rational. So what's your point?