Forum Post: Flood Video Posts
Posted 10 years ago on Sept. 21, 2014, 7:36 p.m. EST by MattHolck0
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
please post you homegrown videos here
BROTHER EARTH (with Boots Riley and Josh Healey)
The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right (original version)
"Capitalism = Climate Chaos"
The Flood Wall Street march, today, September 22, 2014, got the message right!
Bravo to all who participated!
More coverage:
And status of efforts:
MSM coverage:
Not really on air much but searchable anyway.
Death Note ''Us And Them''
Us and Them by Pink Floyd in HD moved to vzqk50a
They are heading for Wall right now-To Shut the Bastards DOWN!!!
Team4U @millaparkboi4U 2m
Live stream don't lie no edits here .....who kicked off the riots in #Ferguson the #fergusoncoverup
Good Job People-DJIA -106- YES!
DeBlasio Protest approach must change
Jurys in: Guilty!
The entire length of Broadway is "sacred." If you know the streets of New York,it's clear that the activists having shut down any part of B'way was a great strategy and very hard to counter.How planned it was is unclear.Broadway is the critical artery of NYC and interferance with it causes gridlock above and below it.
Police directed us away from wall st & penned us in. but they couldn't keep streets open.
Bdway & lower streets were closed by the flood. Gridlock up past wall st but we didn't getto Wall st.
A long way to go until gov/police are not infringing on our right to assemble, express, march, etc
There is NO WAY the Flood Wall Street protesters ended up in the place where the NYPD wanted them to be.Watching on StopMotionSolo,I could not figure out how the protesters managed to avoid getting turned all the way back around or bottled up near the Customs House.I thought they did extremely well.Different tactics next time-there is a way to get a CF going farther up by City Hall.Actually getting down on Broad Street,Wall Street or Water Street would be really hard to pull off,but I can think of a way to do it.We won't have to wait very long before we get another crack at it,that's for sure.Vincit Qui Patitur.
Sounds good. I'm with you.
Time for some Serious Bootstrapping.
"My night in jail with Floodwallstreet"
"The best part of my seven hours in custody was spent talking with other arrestees. We had time on our hands, nowhere to go and no electronic devices to distract us. Among our ranks were veteran organizers, artists, college students attending their first big protest, battle-hardened Occupy veterans, a former Vermont state senator and the man who donned the polar bear suit. People were tired but upbeat. The afterglow from Sunday’s mass march and Monday’s Flood Wall Street action animated the room."
To illustrate the need for that bootstrapping.
If serious efforts are not underway by spring '15 we are not going to turn things around.I believe in Lemons>Lemonade,but it takes time-"Tempis Fugit."
I agree (corp owned) gov efforts to act on the climate are NOT serious now, & must get so fast.
Our efforts are serious, just not large enough yet to force the change we need.
more of floodingwallst & this:
"Hong Kong Tensions: Pro-democracy protests escalated Monday, raising concerns that business Hong Kong might be disrupted. In a rare scene of disorder, thousands of people took to the streets over the weekend in a challenge against Beijing’s decision to limit political reforms. Police fired tear gas and detained 78 protesters."
(Hong Kong "occupiers" aren't protesting climate inaction but rather for democracy, but it informs (hurts?) the oligarchs a bit just the same!)
Keep fighting, All (peaceful)ways, Always
College students.Yet again they are the Most Important People who will be able to stuff themselves into the breach.Let's hope they have been eating healthy and working out...
Pro gov protesters attack Hong Kong occupy central student protesters.
"Violent scuffles have broken out in one of Hong Kong’s most famous and congested shopping districts, as supporters of Chinese rule stormed tents and ripped down banners belonging to pro-democracy protesters."
& the livestream:
Occupy Wall Street!!! Occupy Central!!
Hong Kong occupation update:
"The protesters occupying busy regions of Hong Kong have not entirely withdrawn, but they have made room for commuters to enter government buildings. Civil servants have returned to work, The Associated Press reports, barriers blocking the doors to the government headquarters have been removed and schools across the city are reopening.
The quiet morning comes after a tense day Sunday, when protesters throughout Hong Kong debated if they should decamp and open up some of the areas of the city they have been blocking in a massive act of civil disobedience that has paralyzed the city and placed them in a tense stand-off with Beijing for more than a week."
Solidarity with our brothers & sisters fighting for political representation.
When the People invade the Cool Little Hideout that the 1% have in Lower Manhattan,it Really makes them Uncomfortable.It can't really be done often enough.One thing that can only help is to try to organize meetings of the local community so that people can voice their concerns.One of the dysfunctional features of our Communities is the lack of venue for people to talk about their concerns.So the thing I think is best to do is train pairs of activists to go into communities and help people set up regular meetings where people could say what they want to say and to which they could invite whoever they want to invite.A journey of a Thousand Miles starts with 1 step...
Stock Markets Worldwide Shitting their Pants!Truck in the Emergency Supply of Depends! 11:30 am S22/14
People's Climate March Livestream
“Flood Wall Street” 1000s united hit New York City’s financial district, risk arrest #Ferguson #FloodWallstreet
Vid - Global Warming's Real and Capitalism's the Best Antidote: Ron Bailey at Flood Wall Street
Pepper Spray, Arrests and Giant Balls, Flood Wall Street
Blast from the past still in effect apply #floodwallstreet "Frankenstorm Sandy Hook Energy Vampires:Sinkholes #nlp
[ edit ] Excellent Episode
edit-> Some members on the science committee are probably really grateful that the gallery is not allowed to carry rocks - Hey?
And now a word from Big Fecal,
kerul dyer @keruldyer 1m
MT @lrallen: The first time public officials have truly thought to control carbon #FloodWallStreet @RAN...
Erin Winslow @CNHS1982 8m
Matt Fitzgerald @fitz350 1m
floodwallstreet livestream from @jamesftinternet …
The Carbon bubble is free
(A bump above the concern trolls distraction posts)
This changes everything.
More than 400,000 people marched through the streets of New York City yesterday demanding climate justice and climate action. Many arrived by the Center for Biological Diversity's cross-country People's Climate Train. It was the biggest anti-global warming protest in history.
Today thousands will march to Wall Street, bringing the message home to the seat of global corporate power: Carbon pollution and carbon profits are killing the planet. The people will no longer let coal, oil, gas, transportation and agribusiness lobbyists block desperately needed action to stop greenhouse gas pollution.
My colleague Peter Galvin and I, along with hundreds of other peaceful, nonviolent protestors, will be blocking hedge-fund managers and stock traders from using their weapons of climate destruction for several hours. We'll likely be arrested, joining a long history of civil disobedience in the name of justice going back to Martin Luther King in the 1960s and Henry David Thoreau in the 1850s.
Global warming is cooking the Earth, acidifying the ocean, destroying human communities and driving species extinct. The poor are being hit the hardest and fastest, while the wealth-brokers and industry captains of Wall Street continue to rake in short-term profits by polluting the planet.
A night in jail is a minor inconvenience compared to the pain of villages overwhelmed by rising oceans, farmers ravaged by drought, hundreds of thousands forced to migrate by lack of water and destroyed infrastructure, and billions lacking the resources to deal with a dangerously heating, unstable climate.
Peter and I are proud to join arms with thousands of people seeking justice for all and willing to risk arrest to bring their demands to Wall Street, where they need to be heard.
Help us fight, Kierán Suckling
Kierán Suckling Executive Director Center for Biological Diversity
So many great chants.
And signs!
"CLIMATE CHANGE IS A Health Care Crises"
Love the coalition building.
We need everyone to change everything.
So many diverse groups all came together to support the fight against Global Warming ( man's contribution to it - driving of it ).
Passionate people, fighting to improve the lives of a population who have yet to adequately wake up and join in.
Working to shift the paradigm - to Health of all - over - capitalism for profits by whatever means.
Damned inspirational man.
"I love the smell of protest in the mornin', smells like victory!"
Just watching some of the live-stream coverage from one of the links you provided. One comment I heard - made by the streamer - " Nothing like Barricades and pepper spray to demonstrate democracy ".
Police presence was thick, barricades everywhere, which must be challenged as unconstitutional.
It is clear imprisonment/abridging of movement or somethin'
Police should not tell people where to walk. They serve us!!!
Didn't see much violence though, chokehold arrest I saw but no spray. No military gear/mine resistant tanks.
If police behave a bit less abusive it is because many of us suffered in earlier protests.
Is that progress? If so, not enough.
Looks like the police are getting ready to make a sweep/charge through the hemmed in democratically demonstrating protestors.
Exactly, the tactics have changed very little, & when I saw the chokehold arrest they had several cops in suits surrounding the few cops ON the one skinny guy in order to block any recordings.
They've improved presentation and block view of arrests. They know he who is caught on camera perpetrating violence, loses.
Illustrates the importance of many cameras, wider coverage, & no violence on our part.
Shows importance of having the name ( identity ) of the individual as they are being arrested - goes to follow-up of their condition - prior to arrest and following arrest/processing - just because they block the view does not mean that they can hide a wealth of circumstantial evidence of before and after condition and who was involved ( view blockers = accessories ).
Agreed, apparently a hundred arrests, & unjustified pepper spraying occurred.
Solidarity with our front line soldiers.
Nothing screams democracy like barricades and pepper spray - Hey?
Bastards! Our challenges absolutely screams democacy, They scream tyrannical police state.
I loved the chant - last night...................
" You've got the wrong people - the criminals are there "
............ and the crowd points behind the police
" You've got the wrong people - the criminals are there "
" You've got the wrong people - the criminals are there "
" You've got the wrong people - the criminals are there "
Wow, fantastic
give that one a media job
oh wait
I need a job
Lol. good one
Chris P. @cultureofdefeat 3m
There is a livestream of #floodwallstreet here if anyone is interested:
Still flooding
Thousands March Against War In Moscow, St. Petersburg
protests coincided with the United Nations' annual International Peace Day.
Worthy effort
Ferguson coverup?