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Forum Post: flaws in Capitalism & Free Market

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 9:16 p.m. EST by ChrisArnold628 (6) from Gordon, GA
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The very clear and easy to understand flaw of Capitalism & Free Market is that a few percent of the population will end up with all the wealth while the rest starve. Even with fair government this will happen, the bankers, corporations and government worked together to speed the process up.

It works like this, there is so much wealth to go around. As a business becomes successful and expands to a corporation it makes it nearly impossible to compete with them. We have a monopoly law to prevent this, but two companies can maintain the monopoly by working together and keeping price very close.

As the owners of the corporations and banks get richer, they constantly shrink the money we have in circulation by filling there bank accounts, gaining more and more wealth. As the pile shrinks, the other 99% of the population has less and less money in circulation.

As that happends there is less money available, thats why jobs are cutting pay rates, why everyone is going broke. A class of people starting at $300 million earning no less than $10 million a year. The lest rich of them make more in a year then 5 average paid people will make in a life time.



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