Forum Post: Flashmob the #UCDavis Facebook page in solidarity
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 8:16 p.m. EST by peacejam
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hey guys, I'm not a student at UC Davis, but I think it'd be pretty powerful to flashmob their Facebook page with likes to show support, and to let the UC Davis community and administration know that the whole world really IS watching now. Please take 20 seconds to tweet or post to Facebook a message like the following.
Show solidarity for #Occupy #UCDavis by liking them on Facebook. Please retweet! Let's reach 5000. #OWS
Whatever it says, make sure it asks the reader to retweet or repost to maximize the rate of growth for the meme. Thanks!
Is there also a page for the chancellor's office where people can express 'dislike' of the assault on peaceful protestors?
lol nothing has ever made me wish for a Facebook 'dislike' button as much as these protests
Let's get some likemobs going!