Forum Post: ###FLAG###
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 5:59 p.m. EST by NuclearRadio
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are working on making a flag for the movement that stands separate from political ideologies. Many have made good suggestions, although Malikov and I saw this picture and fell in love with his symbol:
Malikov came up with a graphic:
Input/participation desired!
Nice idea. Here are some existing symbols you may also consider incorporating.
Could we work some blue into the design? Red, white, and blue look awfully nice together.
We need something really appealing. This looks like it was done by a stockbroker. Consult a graphic artist. Serious. I was a publisher and if you can find some artists and designers, they can come up with something. We need something really attractive.
agreed. help us! I can only do so much.
Like I say. Spend some time, gathering some concepts. Announce on a separate link, perhaps, that you need ideas for a Flag, and mention you are looking for artists, designers, etc. They have experience. Best to find an artist who can put together something and then we can work with it. Might need to include some patriotic symbolism for the masses.
The symbol on the flag should incorporate the graph of income inequality over the last 100 years its even symetrical high in the twenties lower thru the seventies and high as hell again now. It is perfect.
I like it. But it looks like an "N" and people will ask what the N stands for. Just .02
Agreed! help/suggestions! Let's improve it!
It looks like a picture of the stock market going up. Maybe if we flip it vertically so that is is going down, which is what we want to represent, the fall of the markets and Wall Street
Only fringe groups want to see the markets "fall." Many OWS people I know are hard workers and a number of small business owners. We want to see Corporate Corruption Out of Government! That's something that everyone can get behind!
The picture is a symbol of the growing disparity in income share. The first peak is right at the 1929 stock market crash. The arrow passing through the circle shows the income disparity bursting through normal control and draws attention to the failings of our system.