Forum Post: Five Point Program for Consideration
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:11 a.m. EST by iolchan
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The following five-point program could be a possible Agenda for a Coast-to-Coast Non-Partisan League in the present:
The Government, of the People, for the People, and by the People, should issue sufficient Credit - Or - non-interest-bearing U.S. Treasury Notes, to purchase back the capital stock of the Federal Reserve Bank from its current private owners. In agreement with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5, of the U.S. Constitution, henceforth the Government of the People should control its own credit and cease issuing interest-bearing notes, bonds, and securities. Pension-fund, and Ma and Pa and holders of U.S. Savings bonds should be paid off in full, but no bank or trust company holding securities against the U.S. Government debt shall be paid more than Seven Per Cent in full, on the bonded indebtedness of the face value of the U.S. Treasury Certificates they were holding, when the Debt-Repudiation finally takes place.
The American People should move for immediate legislation to cancel All fictitious International "Debt" owed by any nation - including this nation - to the Prime Banks of the First World. And to Declare, Collectively, in chanting, resonant Unison, that the Year 2012 shall be, not only the Day of Reckoning: but also, the Year of Jubilee - for the release of all nations from the bondage of debt to the international commercial banks.
We should also move to take decisive steps to dismantle the military budget & press towards immediate peace-time conversion of the industrial sector towards the pressing needs of our own decaying infrastructure and millions of homeless citizens, needy families and also, increasing numbers of newly-needy elderly.
The People must consider and address the issue of Land Reform, and Move, to Liberate the millions of acres that were fraudulently given to the Railroad corporations in violation of the Homestead Act of 1862, as well as the additional millions of acres that were swindled by the timber barons by fraud, - again, in violation of the Homestead Act of 1862 - which theft, is described in the book, Looters of the Public Domain, by Steven D. Puter. These lands should be made available for Homesteading to every American who wants a Homestead. A just and reasonable Portion is Four Acres per Couple. Furthermore, we should endeavor to provide Just Compensation - in land, not money - for lands stolen from all the tribes of Native Americans.
The People must begin the painful process of learning how to live on the earth in a manner that does not destroy it. We must learn again the ancient rhythms of seed-time and of harvest. We must strive to create a sustainable civilization upon the earth, in the World-After-Oil. This last point is both a turning inward, and a return to ancestral patterns that existed before the invention of the internal combustion engine and the automobile. It is a point that can only be done by each and every individual him or herself. It is, nevertheless, highly political. UN-Agenda21 does not want us to live in rural areas. We, the People, however, must Insist that We Must. Thus, Land Reform - the Slogan being "Four Acres and a Tax-break" - is the Genuine Arena of the Authentic Revolution, in the Present.
Mark Walter Evans <> Published in the North Coast Xpress, 1992 and amended, August, 2011