Forum Post: Five Great Ideas
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:10 p.m. EST by jeivers
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- End corporate personage and ban corporate contributions in politics.
- Breakup any firm that is “too large” for the FDIC to take over in case of insolvency.
- Reinstitute the Glass–Steagall Act and completely separate investment banking (securities) and commercial banking (deposits).
- Ban the filibuster and secret voting in Congress (institute complete transparency).
- Institute an instant runoff open primary system nationwide and a direct vote for President (end the Electoral College).
The last four (2-5) are good ideas, and most people would support them. However, right now we need to focus on the things that unite the 99% (that means conservatives too). #1 is actually two things - end corporate personhood, and end money in politics.
One person, one vote. Not one dollar, one vote (i.e. end money in politics), and all the other things you said will come to pass.
Very Good - lets fight to end Corporate Personage and corporate money in politics first!
I think this would go a long way to fixing our system. Ending money in politics is a VERY popular position held by an overwhelming number of Americans. That issue alone would be enough to unite the 99% (maybe even some of the 1%). Ending corporate personage is probably polling somewhere in the 70% range. So placing that as an OWS proposal would alienate 30% of an audience we want to attract.
End money in politics, and then the other changes you seek will happen if a significant majority of Americans support it.
You can't end corporate money in politics when Corporate Personage is accepted and defended by our own Supreme Court - I truly believe to end corporate money in politics you have to end "Corporate Personage!"
YES Get Money Out Of Politics