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Forum Post: First we must ask, what is the problem?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 1:18 a.m. EST by insert0name0here (15) from Denton, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The problem as I see it can be summed up in two words. Profit and usury. If you aren't familiar with the second word then go look it up.

This movement is growing stronger day by day, and in short time the powers that be will begin to realize that we are the majority.

The majority has great power to wield if we can all move in the same direction. We need to strike while the iron is hot and force the powers that be out.

This is not about politics or government directly, however they may play a role on the sidelines. We need to hit the pocket books of every power in the world.

We need to end the central banks.

Those who have the gold make the rules, and we don't get to play with the same rulebook as they do.

This is only the beginning.



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[-] 1 points by areUforREAL (13) 13 years ago

so... if our system is running on the backs of the central banks and the "pocket books of every power in the world" how is hurting them going to help the unemployed? Sounds like they'll lose money to me... then lay people off because they're losing money. More unemployed. You can't destroy a system without a well formed plan that the populace will willingly enact in its place.

That's why we're still in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because we went in, destroyed their essential systems, and had no plan in place that their populace was willing to support to fix what we blew up

just saying...

[-] 1 points by insert0name0here (15) from Denton, TX 13 years ago

Say man trust me I don't have all of the answers, no one does. And you're right hurting them will not directly help the unemployed. However they are a cancer that has grown out of control, and sometimes the treatment can be as bad as the sickness, but if left untreated the host dies.