Forum Post: financial terrorism 2
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 10:10 a.m. EST by thelargeone
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Financial Terrorism
When will the patriot act be used against the worlds Financial Terrorists
On September 11 2001 A group of financial terrorists attempted to cripple the economy of the United States. They failed but in the years that followed other financial terrorists took up their cause and they succeeded. To understand who these terrorists are we just need to look at who profited, for one how about anyone who wrote up a loan they knew the buyer could not afford, and the bank officers who approved the Bad loans. The banks and the bank officers did not care, they got their money up front from fees, which paid for their the over inflated salaries and monster bonuses. Then when poor working class Americans began to default on the loans that they should have never received, and the banks began to get stuck with homes that could not sell to another sucker, they turned to Us for help not the U.S.A. but the same suckers they robbed in the first place. The people who lost the most got nothing, accept thrown out of their homes, the terrorists who got rich are the ones getting the bail out. The terrorists who crippled Our country are now being rewarded, I think it’s time to start a war. A War on Financial Terrorism.