Forum Post: Financial Institution Contributions To Politicians
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 11:19 a.m. EST by JimBingham
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Here are the numbers
Rank Sector Amount Dems Repubs To DEMS To REPUBS
1 Finance/Insur/RealEst $96,615,226 38.4% 54.5%
2 Other $61,159,200 53.3% 42.3%
3 Misc Business $57,249,269 45.7% 47.3%
4 Lawyers & Lobbyists $44,734,352 67.0% 32.5%
5 Health $34,115,418 43.8% 55.4%
6 Communic/Electronics $32,538,333 50.2% 29.4%
7 Ideology/Single-Issue $29,681,275 53.9% 44.9%
8 Energy/Nat Resource $20,558,599 23.0% 76.6%
9 Construction $18,573,247 25.8% 56.4%
10 Labor $15,562,921 75.2% 12.2%
11 Agribusiness $14,113,761 29.2% 69.0%
12 Transportation $13,053,894 26.4% 70.6%
13 Defense $6,805,267 38.3% 61.3%
this list isnt actually accurate
I can tell you right now defense is much more, and is being folded in under #4 lobbyists
and it doesn't cover the revolving door in employment between politicians and their aides, the lobbyists and industry