Forum Post: Finally some dalogue on this site without people getting "pissy"
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 11, 2012, 11:37 p.m. EST by SteveKJR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It's interest to note that up until recently there were a lot of people who post on this site who wouldn't even consider having a dalogue without condemming someone or what the person posted.
It's refreshing to know that there are a lot of people on here now who will have a dalogue and even though they disagree and the important factor is, they don't do name call or use "character assination" methods like a lot of those who have previously posted have.
This allows for a more valuable exchange of ideas and in the processes educates and makes people more knowledgeable about the subject they are discussing.
Emotional reactions never solve problems.
Capitalism is about the freedom to take your money and spend it where you please. But first you must be willing to make the sacrifices in order to be in a position to have money to spend. I worked my way up from working at a community college making minimum wage. I had student loans and a modest home loan. I've paid off all of my student loans and so far about half the mortgage on my home. Could I have bought a bigger house? Sure. Could I have taken my time in paying my student loan and other debts? Sure. But, debt is a burden that I created and I bust my hump to eliminate. To be debt-free is to be free (to owe no one anything) - to be the bank and pay yourself every paycheck. To be debt-free and to buy the house that I want in the future in 'cash' (no mortgage). That is my American dream.
I think is is getting better. Some threads go in the dumper right away Others are pretty straight. I scan them for posters with big numbers and for flaming and see whether it is worth joining.
On the contrary: human emotions are the only thing which can save you from your own inhumanity.
Without human emotion: you are no longer a human. You are a robotic machine. The machine culture you live inside is grinding you down into dust. The only thing which will stop this is you discovering that you have human emotions.
If you do NOT discover your human emotions: then the system will grind you up and you will be destroyed without a whimper of protest coming from your inhuman mechanical machine orifice.
Have you read "occupyisAJoke" comments. Tell me if you notice any "emotional content" to his comments - or would you consider his comments "non emotional" and rational thinking?
There is a difference you know.
First: you cannot put human emotion onto a 2-dimensional screen.
Second: the less human emotion you have: the more irrational and insane you are.
Third: Without human emotion: you cannot have any rational sane thought.
Ok so when people get angry and they do stupid things because they become emotional, are you saying that "they are having a rational sane though"?
Am I correct in saying that that what you mean?
First: You have never felt a human emotion. You don't know what human emotion is.
Second: Human emotion is not stupid: Humans who are disconnected from their emotions are stupid... like you are
Second: the reason a few assholes can rule and oppress 7 billion people is because they have brainwashed you into brainwashing yourselves. By eviscerating you emotionally and gutting you out of all your inner organic integrated energy: your generation has become a brainless bunch of birds. With no human intelligence. Birds have very small brains. Birds can only hunt and peck and twitter amongst themselves in flocks of mindless mass-reptilian conformity. Which is exactly what you do.
Anger is not stupid. Anger is an intelligent emotion which IF it is connected to an integrated thought and integrated understanding leads to action.
In an integrated intelligent human being:emotion-thought-action is one thing: not three disconnected things.
Because you are a disconnected freak who is disconnected form its body and its heart and its mind: you are unintelligent.
Because you are unintelligent: you misunderstand everything I tell you. You misperceive everything around you, you misconstrue the meanings of the very words being used.
In short: you are not correct: you are incorrect. You are just mouthing and spouting all of the politically correct lies and all of the culturally correct lies of the current fads of this year. That is because you are a brainwashed freak who merely copies You have been programmed subconsciously ever since you were born to copy others.
I guess you haven't noticed the repelican shills attempting to over run the place, and maybe you missed the Christmas Season of Spam.
I'm not generally opposed to different ideas -
Well what you need to do is ignore those whose comments you don't like and join in with those you do. That's what I do.
And if I do get confronted by an individual who disagrees with me and starts using profanity - I no long continue to have a dalogue.
But I like cursing at carl with a K acolytes, zombies, and all of his tools in between.
Ok as long as it doesn't have an effect on your blood pressure.
I think that has already been tested.
But never mind. It might be too much information . . .
OccupylsAJkoe - Now here is an example of what I was talking about with regard to "being emotional".
When I read through your post, I notice that the content is "completely negative" with nothing positive to contribute.
As a result of that, I don't think it would be in ones interest to respond to all this "emotional negativity". Too much effort to do that