Forum Post: F.I.L.T.H. must be stopped
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 9:42 a.m. EST by Denofearth
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Just saw a report claiming that the top 1% aren't actually responsible for the plight of the 99%. I say the 1% are directly responsible. They have bought the Republican party who even now continue with their tired mantra about how tax breaks and reduced regulation will eventually trickle things down to everyone else. I say the 1% are f.i.l.t.h. Financially Irresponsible Liars Thieves & Hoarders. How many new cars do you need instead of giving your employees raises? How many mansions, yachts, jewelry, etc.,etc.,etc?
The plutocrats need their jets & yachts to escape to Australia, New Zealand & Paraguay when they pull the rug out from under us. (Peak oil, funny-money scams, geometric world population growth, global warming.)
Then don't fall for a scam.
The politicians, including Bill Clinton fell for it when they passed the Commodities Futures Modernization Act and repealed Glass-Steagall. Greenspan was a fool to like Ayn Rand.
Then leave the country. Move somewhere that has such a better way of life and a better standard of living.
I want to get outta babylon and move to a farm but I have to sell all the vacant land I bought as an investment . . . I got screwed by the housing bubble Greenspan should-have seen:
You shouldn't make bad investments. You never buy high and sell low.
I do blame myself somewhat but I didn't wreck the economy. (BTW, I bought very low and if lucky, I'll break even or come out a little ahead, problem is: no one is buying even at low prices. Land I once easily sold for $23k can't sell now for $5k.)
Partisan fuckhead! You've entirely missed the purpose of this movement!
Your post loses credit when you ignore the wrongdoings of the Dems. Stop being a partisan hack.
The problems that I see with the Dems is that highly intelligent people tend to be very opinionated, and therefore finding a consensus can be difficult. The reason I find Republicans especially vile is the extremes of hypocrisy they are guilty of, their constant insinuation that , and I quote " If ya ain't for us your against us" and therefore less American, but most of all the fact that while they earnestly wish to dismantle any and all social programs for our less fortunate citizens, they are equally passionate ( though much less vocal about it ) that government subsidies to big business continue into perpetuity. Though I agree that our entire system needs a serious retooling, I hold it to be equally true that the Republicans hold the lions share of responsibility for where we are today. If even half of the money spent on vile ad campaigns, creation of equally vile political party ( see Koch brothers and what they spent creating T-party ), and hush money to cover up their sleazy activities and keep them out of jail ( see Herman Cain and how many women he paid off to keep quiet ) was instead used to increase wages and benefits, fund charitable projects, etc. we wouldn't be in as serious a mess as we are. Since Reagan first concocted the blatant lie that is trickle down economics I have heard how eventually the rich would take care of those of use who helped create their fortunes. Still waiting, still nothing but lies from the Republicans, still some of the sleaziest bastards daring to feign that they possess even the tiniest modicum of virtue, and all most clearly ( to any thinking person ) from one party and it ain't the Dems