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Forum Post: Fill Your Socks

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:13 p.m. EST by TRUEVALUE (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

16th october 2011 Bank Bosses Day Surprize! We are here to declare the 16th of october as a starting day of " FILL THE SOCKS" - coordinate action taken by a people in order to give the lesson to the banking sector. we shall never be used by the ruling system as a shield to protect their wealth again! therefore since the october 16th 2011 people who are fighting for our freedom begin to withdraw the money from theirs banking deposits and convert them from virtual to the

fresh printed dollar bills. the action starts immediately and last until the simple people will gain back their rights. all people who are unhappy with the status quo of corporatocracy are well welcome! this is the first announcement . help us spread the news - media somehow try not to see the occupy wall street properly - this action will open their eyes -

just the risk of banking runs creates attention, and the need to coordinate policy with us -

working class - 99% of the society. soon you will hear about the project everywhere. and you can create and add to it by yourself feel free to share this post with your friends, feel free to modify it and post it everywhere. this is people for people project.



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[-] 1 points by LincolnCA (160) 13 years ago

took my money out yesterday, have a built in safe in my house where it will remain until I take it to a local credit union on monday.

[-] 1 points by e307465 (147) 13 years ago

That's the ticket.... Name is "Fill the Socks" and the minority are going to pull their money out of the banks. So a few thousand people with maybe a few thousand bucks in the bank are going to pull their money out across the multitude of banks across the US?

It's stupid to even post something like this at this point. I would think the next logical steps would be growth and a unified message. Just sayin'.