Forum Post: Fighting the cops in the steets is killing the power of the movement.
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 29, 2012, 10:08 a.m. EST by Firebrand777
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Battling the cops in the streets doesn't work in the long term. The Occupy movement NEEDS support from everyone around this country not just young angry radicals throwing shit at cops. I'm pissed off too but ther are millions affected by the issues. I think the tactics of the police departments have been atrocious, but no one will win that battle especially when the news coverage begins to portray the movement as a bunch of angry nuts. MILLIONS of everyday people seeking a voice. Man, hasn't anyone taken a look back in history. People were trying to fight fire with fire in the late 60's and early 70's. Eventually, the wild violence and blowing up police stations was lost on the very people the protesters were trying to attract. It's not about the cops, it's about the 1% well above the cops. The cops are being used goon squads and if the violence continues, the National Guard will be utilized. Granted they are certainly banging heads, but the everyday folks who could be getting a voice with this movement don't see people protesting with an organized effort standing for a great cause. They see alot anarchy and violence. That's it and without support from all of the 99% out there this movement will become another footnote in history. Martin Luther King Jr. didn't resort to this type of protest because he knew what Gandi had understood before him. Violence verus violence will not win anything and the cops hold all of the cards. If the movement degrades down to a terrorist style movement then nothing will ever be achieved and the 1% will definitely run everything to our chagrin. We have to create situations which reach out to everyone including the cops. Sounds nuts but think about it. This movement is becoming a joke and becoming insignificant to the very people which need the Occupy Movement the most. The people, the 99%, need this movement not just the 1% of the radicals who want to smash, bash and destroy. The street fights play right into the hands of the cops. When private property is being destroyed, the little guy with a street front business is being screwed by the 1% and screwed by the Occupy Movement protesters. Hand to hand combat with cops might be fun for some, but eventually people we care about are going to get killed and nothing will be achieved. The prospective power of the Occupy Movement is being squandered on bad judgement and poor organization. Look, I am in full support of this movement, but I have held back as I'm very leery of "groups" as my experience has been that the mob mentality generally turns folks into violent idiots. Isn't this movement suposed to bring about the change which Obama cannot and or will not bring about?! Guess what?! The OM is losing ground out here in the weeds which is where the OM needs the support the most. In September, people all over the world were happy to see the OM come about. All sorts of people were ready to stand up and find their voice in the OM. Now, quite honestly people are watching "kids" throw shit at cops and the support is going to disappear from people who NEED the OM. If a civil war was to be initiated, I'll would be there if for no other reason than to fight for my family and friends who have been wiped out by this financial disaster, but we really cannot afford to let this degrade into a violent conflict which we cannot win. Please folks, the moment is at hand, but the voice is being lost. This is 2012 not 1969. The old battles are old battles. We need new strategies which capture the heart of the movement and engage the American People. We need at least 1 million people to show up in Washington DC all at once and stop the city. Stop DC dead in it's tracks to get speakers who make sense and not trite rhetoric. THIS IS A FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES. The 1% is wining hands down while people throw things at cops whose lives are probably just as affected by the finacial meltdown.
95% of the violence is from the police. They are a shame to America, our constitution, and our great history.
They are also too stupid to realize that they are fighting the very people who are fighting for them. How sad.
Cops are a part of the 99
They are also unionized workers
We have got to be strong enough to take what abuse they give - until they realize they too, belong with us.
Failure to understand this principle is to provide opening to the one to divide and conquer. I see they are having some measure of success.
Nonviolent revolution wins support and respect.
Violent revolution alienates.
LMAO. OWS doesn't have the brians to get a civil message out. They CONSTANTLY shoot themselves in the foot with violence. the OWS is like a rocking chair. You can rock in it but it wont go anywere. The OWS is a bigger joke than the government. The Tea Party has people in congress. The OWS has people in jail
What does having a lot of people named Brian have to do with it?
Do these individuals have special innate talents and skills?
Are they unavailable because they are highly valued?
1 points by patronus919 (2) 4 minutes ago
LMAO. OWS doesn't have the brians to get a civil message out. They CONSTANTLY shoot themselves in the foot with violence. the OWS is like a rocking chair. You can rock in it but it wont go anywere. The OWS is a bigger joke than the government. The Tea Party has people in congress. The OWS has people in jail ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
Gotta laugh at that one.
It's all Bush's fault that the OWS is like a Viagra to a eunuch
""""""but no one will win that battle especially when the news coverage begins to portray the movement as a bunch of angry nuts"""""
Wake up..... That IS your "movement"