Forum Post: Fighting for???
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 4:31 p.m. EST by Noghori
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I was asked by a reporter today why I came out to OWS. I told him my actual reason, it seemed like a lot of fun to yell at people all day and skip my job. I hate working. But it made me wonder, are we actually trying to do anything or just having fun? Cause to be honest most of the people i met today are just there for the drugs, yelling, and party atmosphere.
Obama bailed these bankers out so they can't be evil or anything and they gave him more campaign donations then republicans. That makes them okay in my book. Thoughts?
Thank you for playing, Mr Internet troll. Adults have a democracy to save.
Easy now. Don't remind them Obama saved the banks.
in b4 Fox News quotes this as an actual protester and not a troll.