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Forum Post: Feel like watching a movie tonight?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 10:10 p.m. EST by TheColoradoJerk (0)
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My top video recommendations to make you as smart as any banker or wall street fat cat.

First some short and quick vids...

Circular Flow of Income DBS Economists (Basic macroeconomics): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Tv25jB1pE

The Truth About the Economy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTzMqm2TwgE

Bankers take control of the media in 1917: http://youtu.be/TF_iZnPpazI

And if you want to curl up next to your computer and watch an educational movie I suggest the following...

The Ascent of Money: In the four-hour version of THE ASCENT OF MONEY, historian and author Niall Ferguson seeks to explain the financial history of the world, exploring how our complex system of global finance evolved over the centuries, how money has shaped the course of human affairs and how the mechanics of this economic system work to create seemingly unlimited wealth—or catastrophic loss.


Commanding Heights: A global economy, energized by technological change and unprecedented flows of people and money, collapses in the wake of a terrorist attack. The year is 1914. Worldwide war results, exhausting the resources of the great powers and convincing many that the economic system itself is to blame. From the ashes of the catastrophe, an intellectual and political struggle ignites between the powers of government and the forces of the marketplace, each determined to reinvent the world’s economic order.


In Debt We Trust: The Emmy-winning former ABC News and CNN producer's new hard-hitting documentary investigates why so many Americans are being strangled by debt. It is a journalistic confrontation with what former Reagan advisor Kevin Phillips calls "Financialization"--the "powerful emergence of a debt-and-credit industrial complex." While many Americans may be "maxing out" on credit cards, there is a deeper story: power is shifting into fewer hands.....with frightening consequence..


And remember, conspiracies typically involve money or power (usually both).



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