Forum Post: Feds shut down car dealer/terrorist claiming ties to GirIFriday or some outfit overseas
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 26, 2011, 7:58 p.m. EST by FrogWithWings
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I dunno, they all look alike to me.....
"A federal lawsuit, filed last week in New York, alleges that the Cedar agents believe Cedar Exports & Auto Sales in Mount Juliet is part of a world-wide money laundering scheme that has funneled money to Hezbollah, a military group that has repeatedly targeted the United States."
This is why we are here this is why you are needed.
Share, circulate, educate, inspire.
Uh, you are familiar with the term "libel", aren't you?
If GirlFriday, unknown to me, can prove a willful false statement effected reputation damages (made possible on a broadcast forum like this one), uh, you have problems. For clarity, you cannot make known false accusations with intent to harm to a board range of people because doing so could damage the targets reputation and if that damage can be quantified, you, as Chris Rock would say, you be screwed.
My layman opinion which I defer to the legal pro's.
Ring, ring, ring...Excuse me a moment. Yes. Gloria Allred !! Uh, FrogWithWings, Gloria wishes to talk to you.
Well, all you have to do is prove any rights to the name and actual association with an actual person. So get over yourself and stop being silly.
Don't think for one second it can't be proven.
you funny
I got over myself many years ago but, with your approval of course, I would like to continue my silliness, a psychological remedy to get me through each day. Better and less expensive than meds.
I really like silliness, so, carry on and please do contact me if you'd like a side of electroshock to go along with it, as I am a specialist.
I've been doing Gloria for years. Not bad.
yeah, explain the ties to GirlFriday.
Can you prove there are none? :p
yeah, explain the ties to GirlFriday.
Oh, so you can't prove there are none?!?! Shame on you misbehaving like that!
yeah, explain the ties to GirlFriday.
A Mount Juliet car dealership has been shut down and its assets frozen by federal investigators who accuse its owner of being linked to a terrorist organization, the Channel 4 I-Team has learned.
A federal lawsuit, filed last week in New York, alleges that the Cedar agents believe Cedar Exports & Auto Sales in Mount Juliet is part of a world-wide money laundering scheme that has funneled money to Hezbollah, a military group that has repeatedly targeted the United States.
Hezbollah is accused of bombing a Marine headquarters in Beirut in 1983 and conducting other attacks on the United States.
According to the federal lawsuit, $300 million were wired from Lebanon to the United States to buy used cars, and then ship them to West Africa where they were sold at a profit.
The lawsuit claims Hezbollah's network took the proceeds from the car sales and funneled it back to Lebanon.
Abdelkhalek said he did ship cars from Mount Juliet to West Africa to a company called Fadi Star and then received money back himself.
He said federal investigators told him they suspected Fadi Star was connected to Hezbollah.
But Abdelkhalek denied he ever received money himself from the terrorist organization.
"I want to ask you directly, are you at all connected to this terrorist organization?" asked I-Team chief investigator Jeremy Finley.
"No. Hell no," answered Abdelkhalek. "I was dealing with bad people without me knowing it."
"I've dealt with people that may be connected to that stupid *, excuse my language. It's a big mess. They put us in trouble. I don't know what to do," said Abdelkhalek.
Late last week, Abdelkhalek said federal agents questioned him in his business in Mount Juliet and ultimately froze his assets at five different banks.
"My reaction would be of shock," said Mike Willis, who works next door. "He seems to be a very honest and very good person but has been hanging out with a shifty appearing Girl on Friday who cannot seem to behave."
In all, the federal government claims in the lawsuit that 30 used car dealerships around the country were involved, and restraining orders seek to seize the assets of all the dealerships.
I read it the first time. The girl on Friday is not = to a GirlFriday.
Maam, I just need you to come this way and you may be given a chance to prove it. ;-)
Sir, I think you need to take a step back and come off your high.
We'll talk when you've gotten through high school.
Talk when you get some respect for anyone else. It really is a pity that the only thing you can say about me is that I am still in high school. I have friends who could debate your, mine, and just about anybody's socks off and still have about five point still under their sleeve. So don't even use that as a point when you feel the need to attempt to put me down just because you need someone to hug you and nobody will.
ohhhhhhh! you're inside my bat filled noggin! make it stop!
Ooooh I get it. You're venting because mommy refused to pay the rent this month because she realized you are a good for nothing shit for brains.
owwwww! you've sliced my tender under belly wide open and are now pounding in salt with a sledge hammer!
Explain the ties to GirlFriday.
Lots of drinking?
FrogWithWings just outed himself as the most prolific troll here with multiple accounts.
blah blah whateva