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Forum Post: Feds delay approval of new Monsanto crops over environmental concerns

Posted 11 years ago on May 20, 2013, 11:51 p.m. EST by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

MAY 15

(RT) Biotech giant Monsanto faced a surprising setback after federal authorities refused to approve a new generation of genetically-engineered crops that could survive an unprecedented use of herbicides. Monsanto was awarded a big win on Monday by the United States Supreme Court, but another federal ruling made only days earlier brought some comparatively bad news to the biotech giant.

The US Department of Agriculture announced Friday that they’ve ordered additional environmental impact statements (EIS) for herbicide-resistant crops that have been waiting for federal approval. Now Monsanto and the chemical company Dow will have to sit anxiously and await the results of those assessments before they are given the go-ahead to sell genetically-engineer plants that have raised serious environmental issues.

more>>> http://www.realfarmacy.com/feds-delay-approval-of-new-monsanto-crops-over-environmental-concerns/



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[-] 4 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

Thanks for the update, Brad!

[-] 4 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

It sounds good, let's just hope it isn't just posturing. Delay a bit, throw out a plethora of PR on how the delay is because the USDA's priority is the health and welfare of the US citizen, but then "after much $cientific $tudy" the GMO's show no detrimental health effects and are therefore approved.

[-] 4 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

Lol! Ok, so you're reading my mind.

It wouldn't be the first time big corporation and government colluded for profits and control.

Its difficult to see how the USDA would ultimately stand in Monsanto's way given the history of Monsanto being allowed to 'plough' through the health and livelihoods of people in the US and indeed globally. Especially as this news comes on the heels of Monsanto being given the go ahead for their $400 million expansion.


[-] 4 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

I knew you were somewhat skeptical at heart, but true to your nature, you want to see a positive result of this and I think we'd all love to see that, too. Technically, I'd give it a fighting chance, considering the enormous worldwide backlash against Monsanto. Considering the growing amount of 'noise' being made against a lot of these 'too big' entities, perhaps some of TPTB are beginning to see the light. The more enlightened among them see the growing storm, I think.

[-] 2 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

You hit the nail on the head with that comment g.

There are going to be world-wide protests against Monsanto this Saturday, May 25th which I first heard about in NY this past Saturday

I plan on being at the one in NY

Check the list to see if there is one near you...



[-] 3 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Yeah, it's always a possibility with the USDA. But it would be a great sign if this one actually went against them, wouldn't it?

There is supposed to be a protest here but I haven't seen any details yet. I do have an e-mail address though. Hell, I'd assume there has to be something going on here, considering its world headquarters is located in one of our (extremely affluent, by STL standards) counties, Creve Coeur.

[-] 3 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Yes it would be a great sign if the final ruling went against Monsanto, but like you, i have my doubts

There are 5 different cities in Missouri that are having protests against Monsanto on Saturday including St Louis

It's on that list in the link

"Creve Coeur"...sounds French. You know that drives Renny crazy...err wait.. that's me...lol


[-] 3 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Heheheh, so French also drives Ren crazy, eh? I'll have to remember that. ;-)

Yeah, Crève Coeur is French. The French founded St. Louis so there's a whole lot of French names around; streets, parks, towns, schools, you name it. I believe it means 'broken heart' and one of the stories is it got its name from a brokenhearted Indian girl committing suicide in Creve Coeur lake. Renny would sure love that story, I'll bet.

[-] 3 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Alright, alright...thanks for the history lesson, but what about the protests?

Errr...I shouldn't have mentioned Renny going nuts when hearing French

Good Night...~Odin~

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Yeah, you got me all distracted.

'night, Odin.

[-] 0 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

My guess is the lake's name comes from the French last name Crèvecoeur which means Heartbreaker. For example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Hector_St._John_de_Crèvecœur

Perhaps a French man with that name discovered the lake, or made the first house beside it. Usually, names of places in the Americas came from the last name of the settlers around those areas.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

I read that and it's entirely possible. Probable, even. But it doesn't matter because you're just trying to be a wise ass because you didn't know shit about J. Hector ten minutes ago. And quit being so condescending. Do you really think I (or most Americans, for that matter) didn't know that "many of the place names in America came from the name of settlers in the area? Puleez! Sometimes you can be kind of grating, man, because you try far to hard to impress.

For the record, I have a little over 70 books on St. Louis history in my book collection, although admittedly I haven't read them all and most pertain to the city itself, so my knowledge of the outlying areas (like CC) leaves a bit to be desired.

[-] 0 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

Not being a wise ass at all. I like to look up facts, and because I speak French wanted to correct you on your slightly wrong translation. Also, usually stories like the one about the little girl are not how places are named. They are usually myths that come later one. In any case, I learned a lot from this little research so it was interesting.

My goal was not to be condescending. But to look deeper into the matter. That's all. You may interpret this anyway you wish. I love looking up facts and searching for evidence. It's a hobby of mine.

In any case, here is the correct answer to where the name comes from:


[-] 0 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

"Coeur brisé" would be broken heart. The verb "crever" means to bust, as in busting a balloon with a needle. So, "coeur crevé" would be busted heart. But, these are literal translations, essentially "coeur crevé" or "coeur brisé" are both often translated to broken heart.

However, when the verb "crever" is put in front as in "crève coeur" is doesn't mean broken heart, but heartbreaker. The expression can be used to denote a player, one that goes from girl to girl breaking their hearts.

So, it's Heartbreaker Lake.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Don't be a smart ass, 'T.' I already Google translated it, so I know what it means. Google Translate says "bursting heart," Wikipedia says 'heartbreak.' The local story is the girl drown herself in the lake because of a broken heart. You're splitting hairs.

[-] 0 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

OK, I read some more. Crève Coeur Missouri, was founded on the grounds of the French Fort named "Fort Crèvecoeur". There are many places in France named Crèvecoeur, so this was certainly a reminder for the French of their homeland.

And this from the lower link - "They finished the fort in early March, naming it "Fort Broken Heart" because of the tribulations, including desertions, that they suffered during its construction."

The Wikipedia translation here is a wrong. It should have been "Heartbreaker Fort" or "Fort that breaks hearts". Essentially, the fort was breaking the hearts of the men who participated in its construction because of what is noted in Wikipedia. It's not the fort that had a broken heart, but the fort that was breaking hearts.


[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

That Wikipedia article is the wrong Creve Coeur. That one refers to a site just outside Peoria, Illinois, so it's a toss-up as to the other two stories. The Indian maiden story is entirely anecdotal and in all likelihood couldn't be proven. J. Hector, with the exception of being French, doesn't seem to have much connection with this area. But one possible connection is his Jesuit upbringing. Early on, there was a substantial Jesuit presence here.

[-] -2 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

OK. I found this webpage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creve_Coeur,_Missouri

An excerpt:

"The name crève cœur (French pronunciation: ​[krɛv kœʁ], heartbreak) derives from Creve Coeur Lake, which was named for the tale of a lovelorn Indian girl whose broken heart led her to suicide off the famous dripping springs.[8] Alternatively, it may have been named for the famous French-American philosopher Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecœur, who hypothesized on what is the true American."

That's the Jesuit we were talking about.


So, I guess we can't really tell. You might be correct. There could also be some kind of link with the fort or other Crèvecoeur names of people or places from France.

[-] -2 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

Interesting. I'll try to do some more research if I have more time later tonight. I'll try to look into the maiden story as well, couldn't find any links when I checked. J. Hector was well known as a writer. Possibly, the name comes from admiration towards his works. More research is required.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Yes, I saw that he had written a series of 'letters' describing certain aspects of pre-Revolution life here. And considering the word itself means 'heartbreaker' and there was a fort with that name not considerably far from St. Louis (about 170 miles), and life in these parts in the late 18th and early 19th was often extremely harsh, it's no stretch that at least one place in this, at the time, predominately French area would've been considered heartbreaking, or a heartbreaker, and therefore given that name.

The symbol of Creve Coeur, MO, by the way, is a graphic of a broken heart.

[-] 0 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

No, the meaning is entirely different. It certainly is not bursting heart, or broken heart. It is heartbreaker. You may be correct about the local story of the girl, but I'm willing to bet it was the last name of a French person "de Crèvecoeur" who settled the area. By the way, when a French last name is prefixed by "de" which means "from" it means that person comes from a village in France named his last name. So, there is a place in France called Crèvecoeur. You know that when settlers came from Europe they often named the places the same as places in Europe. This was very common. Sometimes they would prefix it with "New".


[-] 4 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

I didn't know about the fort, so i thank you for that. But stop now, T. Quit talking down to me. I'm fully aware that when a French name is prefixed by 'de' it means 'from' (Denim, D'Arcy). I took four years four years of French in grade school. I know towns here were named after towns in the "old country." Stop now with the insulting grade school history lesson. I'm a tad smarter than the average American, so save it.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

The google-fu of fu-manchu got you to a T. LOL.

[-] 3 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

"The google-fu of fu-manchu!" hahahahah. That's hilarious.

But I will check out that fort link. It's local history which I was pretty heavily into at one time. Lately, not so much, but I still like picking up the occasional tidbit.

[-] 0 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

I wasn't intending to talk down to you. I can't know what you already know. Many English speakers don't know that "de" means "from". I was also writing for all the readers, not just you. In any case, sorry if you were offended. My goal was simply to inform, nothing more.

I enjoyed learning this bit of history, so I thank you for bringing up the Crève Coeur Lake.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

My apologies, T. It is a little late here (2:45 right now) so I may be a bit edgy. Of all three stories, the fort sounds like the most likely one, but I haven't yet read the link. And it's true, many if not most, folklore-type stories like the young Indian maiden are fabrications. And, . . . you definitely have a thirst for knowledge because it did seem you did this quick research out of a quest for knowledge, not to be a smart ass.

[-] 0 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

Thanks man. Have a good sleep.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Thanks. And by now you've seen my reply above about the fort, so it's a toss-up between J. Hector and the little broken-hearted Indian maiden.

[-] -1 points by wittlelittlecloud (-83) 11 years ago

I'm heading down to NY for this protest. Is there a meeting planned for people from this website? It could be cool to grab a coffee with jart, zoe, you, and some others here before we head out to protest. Or a beer afterwards. Always nice to put faces on usernames.

[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 11 years ago


[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

March Against Monsanto, May 25, 2013


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