Forum Post: Federal Reserve: New Bail Outs for the BIG BANKS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 1:49 p.m. EST by uslynx81
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WTF wake up people lets not stand for this anymore.
Is this in the news today? Where are the links? Please post.
Just on announced on fox earlier today. I know fox : (
I agree we must wake up! I'm tired of the federal reserve and it's lame ass rules and regulations to control people and their money. . I am always baffled by the bullshit these big federal banks are coming up with. But then again nothing suprises me.
I don't know which bailout you're discussing (since you're not saying much of anything really), but a bailout is generally better than the alternative.
The alternative is, you don't have access to your checking account until the FDIC gets the list of depositors and sets up a new bank or transfers accounts and verifies deposits through its audit department and finds out what your address is and writes you a check or whatever. It would take weeks, possibly months.
The problem is that this is all done by debasing the dollar. This was just announced today. Also what does it matter if we have access to our checking account if what is in the account isn't worth anything.
It matters a lot. You go to swipe your debit card for dinner, and you need money. You can't just allow a bank to crash.
My point is that in doing this the dollar will not buy food or anything because it will be worthless. Take a look at this -