Forum Post: Federal Reserve and US Debt is unConstitutional
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 12, 2011, 7:12 p.m. EST by wiscokidd
from Hayward, WI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I, WE THE 99% I hope, demand that the Constitution be respected and followed as the basis upon which all laws of the land are to be written and enforced until it is amended legally through provisions provided within the Constitution it self.
The Federal Reserve is the first and most obvious and important instance where our government is violating the people's rights and until the FED act be abolished and prohibited as the US Constitution demands all of the members of legislative, executive and judicial branches of government are conspirators of treason.
Article 1, Section 8 begins: the Congress Shall have the Power to: … paragraph 5: To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin …(not international Banksters). Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 7: No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money… Paragraph 8: No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States …( Ben Shalom Bernanke of the Federal Reserve is also on the board ( a noble) of the BIS, Nazi dealing bank). Now check out 14th Amendment, Section 4, The FED is an unconstitutional insurrection treasonous to the Constitution so the national debt is illegal null and void.
To know how the Fed got here, it is important to understand the following outline:
They still let us make the coins.
The FED prints the bills.
Does that make it OK?
The private issuance and management of the monetary system of the United States is at the root of all our many problems.
"The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity." - Abraham Lincoln
Thank you PublicCurrency.: Very few people seem to understand what should have been known by US citizens in 1865. The Fed just gave all their bankster buddies 16.1 trillion$ between 2007 and 2011. On top of that they paid their bean counters 650 some million to justify the 16 trill' Anybody that occupies any office in the US government that does not agree to make the national debt void and do back to printing green backs is a traitor and terrorist deserving of the same torture Bush okayed, Though we won't do that, we will jail them and find a bunch of Big Bubbas to be their cell mates and their boy friends.
Okay the Fed can balance their own books from now on, we the US of A owe them nothing ZERO the big 'O' all they did was finance both sides of every war since they cheated their way into power in 1913. We are to die proudly as patriotic Goyim Chattel solders for them? No MORE! They killed President John F. Kennedy after he started printing US dollars instead of Federal Reserve Dollars. They withdrew those dollars off the market right after they killed him. As soon as this ZioNazi war profiteering money system monopolizing lap dog of NWO US government is out we can print real Constitutionally valid money and trade goods and services among ourselves fairly. We can take care of each other and give to the sick and weak, the least among us. WE CAN DO IT!
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I agree
Well you could take the government to federal court.
Well I tried that in a marijuana case. No luck there are three branches to the US government and they are now part of the ZioNazi tree. I don't think they wouls follow their oaths of office if you pointed out to them that the Federal Reserve is Unconstitutional. They like their Federal Reserve paychecks and they like corporate cash enough to vote for corporate eminent domain, to deem McCain Feingold act unconstitutional and to rule corporations are people in the "citizen's on Koch United vs the FEC" case. They SCOTUS are dominated by treasonous terrorist traitors to the US Constitution. On legal remedy available
Being on a board does not make one a noble. You are incorrect regarding the Constitutional implications on this issue.
You are full of Pitoot D33, noble in this case has to do with a title, belonging to an organization BIS (Htiler Bank) that does not have the best interests of the United States. The people that control our money are ZIONAZIS and they have reduced our so called 'Presidents', "Supreme Commanders" to their LAP DOGS. For writing what you wrote, you are incorrect to be on US soil. Go live in Switzerland and suck bankers pitoots but don't do such nasty things here anymore please.
Excuse me Ms. smarty pants. I want you to know that you and ows are complete morons. You haven't got the faintest idea of what you are protesting. If you really gave a shit about the 99%, you would pack your tent and shit, clean up after yourselves and allow the local businesses (99%) to start having customers come back into their shops/ businesses. You disgusting hippies have ruined public parks all over the U.S.A. (my great country) and because of that, you all should be arrested and deported to Canada/Mexico. If you don't like what we have to offer in my great country, then get the fuck out of here you losers. The Doctor! Ben is a queer liberal
Dr. Love's writing proves that he is a ZioNazi,
These protests will look like a walk in the park when the dollar finally collapses.
You havent seen anything yet. Enjoy the good days, they arent gonna be around much longer..
are you as stupid as your posts? You haven't got the faintest clue about economics and the almighty dollar. keep spreading your venom and your fucking homo queer friends will support you. fuck you
Its already happening doctorlove. Devaluing the currency used to be punishable by death. Now they actually brag about it.
So where do you see things heading?