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Forum Post: Federal Reserve Admits: We Have No Gold !

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:33 a.m. EST by g6g6g6 (27)
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[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

that's because it's all in the Pawn Shop ;)

[-] 1 points by Blueskies (49) 13 years ago

US money hasn't been backed by gold for decades.

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

So FREAKIN' WHAT ???? !!!

What if I said "We have no pork bellies ! " Would you panic THEN?

Money is simply a TOKEN used to facilitate exchange of value. Assume I have excess milk I want to trade for some wheat. WITHOUT money, I have to find someone who both HAS wheat and WANTS milk. WITH money, I can just "sell" my excess milk to ANYONE who wants it and can "buy" some wheat from ANYONE who has some excess. "Money" is just a token used to represent the value being exchanged. If I declare "money" to be defined by some arbitrary commodity, then someone can accumulate a LOT of that commodity and STOP ALL COMMERCE, even though that the commodity in question is but ONE of the MANY value transactions possible.

The VALUE of a dollar is defined by WHAT IT BUYS, and NOTHING ELSE. If you PREFER to focus PURELY on how much GOLD you can buy with one, so be it, but you CAN'T EAT, TAKE SHELTER FROM THE COLD, or DO MUCH OF ANYTHING with your GOLD, so WHY DO YOU CARE ?

Don't you "GOLD LOVERS" understand ANYTHING about economics?

P.S. You're ALSO wrong. If you look at http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h41/current/h41.htm#h41tab1 , you;ll see the Federal Reserve is sitting on at least $11 Billion in Gold. That being said, WHO CARES ?

[-] 1 points by g6g6g6 (27) 13 years ago

im nt wrong,.... watch the video... the officials are saying this... and if money is not backed with gold.. it is just a piece of paper

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

I suspect you're basing your opinion on an opinion your heard from some who heard someone say... just like MANY do these days.

PLEASE try THINKING on your own or doing some of your OWN RESEARCH to decide what YOU believe rather than simply REPEATING the opinions you have heard somewhere.

THINK about what I described in the simple transaction of milk for wheat. Do the 'TOKENS' used to FACILITATE the transaction have INTRINSIC value or is their value derived ENTIRELY from the GOODS/SERVICES exchanged IN the transaction ? I think you MUST be able to see that the value of the TOKENS is TRANSITORY at best; the REAL value is in the TRANSACTIONS they support.


You DON'T NEED OTHER PEOPLE to tell you what's going on here, you can figure it out ON YOUR OWN. We're talking about MONEY here, and ALL SORTS of people have VESTED INTERESTS in making you believe what THEY want. You MUST use your MIND if you are to see the TRUTH.

PLEASE try. Your generation is the FUTURE. America, in fact the entire WORLD, NEEDS you to THINK !

[-] 1 points by mbss (35) from Glasgow, Skottland 13 years ago

Hasn't "had" gold since 1971 -- but probably wishes now that it hadn't substituted paper printing for gold. Still--not sure that money connected to a globally tradeable, and volatile, commodity is what we need either! This goes for all currencies.

[-] 1 points by morriden (128) from Burton, MI 13 years ago

We used to be on a gold standard. I believe there are other countries that still are. Currently we need gold for a lot of manufacturing here and the world over. Our current system is based off of debt. They want the poor to be as poor as we can get, thus they have a huge pull of debt to buy and sell to make money from.

[-] 1 points by g6g6g6 (27) 13 years ago

the american dollar = 00000000000000

[-] 0 points by KnowingOne (54) 13 years ago

You think they're going to tell you they have all the gold? Does anyone here even know why gold is so valuable? Guess not