Forum Post: FEBRUARY 29th - Solidarity with Occupy Portland - Shut down the corporations nationwide
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 10:35 p.m. EST by therising
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Now I know the movement's gone mainstream. Pizza delivery guy just showed up at the door and as we chatted about the news, he announced that he had "heard Feb 29th is the big day" and he is "heading to DC to protest." He said he'd never done anything like this before but he and some friends and a few family members thought it was "time to do something."
See this link. Shut down the corporations.
You are not one of us if you do anything violent and make us look bad to those we are trying to recruit to support us. You are not one of us if you block traffic and piss off those who we are trying to recruit. You are not one of us if you vandalize anything and make us look bad to those we are trying to recruit to support us. Do you get it? We shall police ourselves and restrain those who vandalize or throw anything at the police and turn them into the police with our story. Yes, we will place them under citizen's arrest and if they are wearing a hood we will take off their hood and take theri picture. We must stop those who are not one of us, but are acting like they are, because they may have been sent/ hired to deceive their group to behave violently; thus leading us all astray.
Feb 29th will be the beginning of a momentous springtime in America.
Laralittletree Ms. Tea Bag usa
Humanity is rising.... In DC.
shut down you. A vote for Ron Paul is a wasted vote and will only give you four more years of Obama. If voters do not unite around the Republican candidate you get four more years of OBAMA. Casting votes for Paul is a waste of a vote.