Forum Post: Fear, Hatred, and Envy
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 9:10 p.m. EST by HankRearden
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Fear -- That you are unfit to live in a free society.
Hatred -- For those that are fit to live in a free society.
Envy -- The desire to destroy the gains made by those who are fit to live in a free society.
We live in a decidedly unfree society, and the product of the corruption is held up as an example of capitalism. The remnants of capitalism are the very basis for your standard of living. It is being destroyed, because capitalism requires freedom. These criminals are painted as capitalists, and the hue and cry is to destroy them, and the last of your own freedom along with them.
If you fall for this line, and demand yet more authoritarian destruction of property rights, YOU WILL GET IT.
And your legacy will be Fear, Hatred, and Envy, the gods you sacrificed your society and your future for.
Break the matrix! Repudiate that government indoctrination you recieved! Claim your freedom!
End the Fed. He who prints you money from nothing OWNS you when you have to produce real wealth to get every thin dime, and they just print it and buy your education, your training, your government, your entertainment, your entire environment. You become cattle on their farm.