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Forum Post: FDR fought the speculators, but Obama protect s them

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 3:43 p.m. EST by Washington (77) from Khon San, Chaiyaphum
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have been writing against Wall Street and the big banks and derivatives and such for ten years, but I also try to see the world through other people's eyes as well, since they don't seem inclined to make everything happen just the way I'd like.

Below, friend and I talking. I'd like more thoughts on this. I numbered my summation of my friends earlier points and I commented on them, and she responded.

1.) There are wolves wearing sheep’s clothing at the OWS protest

Me: In my view, there are wolves wearing sheep’s clothing almost everywhere in the internet forums and in politics, or at least potentially so.

Friend: True - but this particular brand of Wolverines are there for the body count amassing as many disgruntled people as possible for their own agenda… i.e. Covering for a president letting the country slide into chaos and bankruptcy. Putting the ONUS on Wall St., when the onus should lie with the Leadership of the man at the top - the President who has wasted billions of Tax-Payer dollars on a failed stimulus that could have been better used elsewhere.

2.) the unsuspecting “one issue” voters/protesters too busy to get to the Truth

Me: Seems to me the OWS tends to have the effect of making at least some people aware of a range of issues beyond those they started with. Wrong?

Friend: Agreed - This is the old ploy Supermarket leader to get you into the store to buy detergent for $1.99/32 washloads. When they know you will stay and look for more bargains and hopefully spend $30-$40 or more before you leave.

In the case of the OWS - the people who do leave… once they realize this protest is not what they thought it was, will be replaced with professional protesters nicknamed provocateurs, who will turn this movement into chaos of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - all mixed into one venue - Protect the President At All Costs and drive Capitalism from the shores of America replacing it with Socialist Values. (This is not a good thing!)

Me: Given the growing frustration and worsening conditions that just cannot, finally, be ignored by the 99%, what would be a better, and somewhat within the realm of possibility, current of action and events at this time (from this moment, not erasing anything that’s already happened)?

Friend: A protest in DC in front of the White House. Hold Obama accountable for NOT using methods suggested to him, such as reinstating Glass-Steagall legislation and as outlined by Bill Clinton recently



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