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Forum Post: FBI spam and negative taunts aim to disrupt and demoralize OWS movement and activists

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 18, 2012, 4:45 a.m. EST by ZuleikaAgain (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Negative and disparaging comments, personal attacks against individuals and the Occupy Movement are hallmarks of intelligence agency activity designed to disrupt and demoralise the movement (psychological operations – ‘psy ops’ for short). They also waste peoples’ time with distracting and irrelevant comments.

The FBI and other agencies pay American agents to write these type of comments. FBI agents (and other ‘secret police’ activities) are a big part of the systemic corruption problem in our political/economic system – these people are a ‘scourge’ on strong democratic values (liberty, equality and justice), they are the foot soldiers at the front line helping undermine democracy. They savage legitimate protest movements and causes like OWS for the personal financial gain of the agents who are more interested in their careers than protecting democracy.

Just ignore their comments and ban them from the site. Stay focused on the OWS cause – corrupted democracy and corporate interests. As one US senator said, we are living with a new form of fascism – this is the problem the Occupy Movement is addressing.



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[-] 1 points by Danaan (96) 13 years ago

http://vimeo.com/33373635 so your post here aims people to look away from others opinions and follow yours blindly. And you claim not to steer people? We the people should not follow any movement blindly and do things on our own initiative.

[-] 1 points by RoughKarma (122) 13 years ago

I wasn't going to bother registering here because I believed my posting would be a waste of time, but I was amazed that you believe people who disagree with you have to be paid to do so. I don't have to be paid. I think OWS had a valid, albeit hackneyed, point in October. You act like it is a great discovery you just made about corporate influence in politics. Citizen Kane was filmed in 1941 and did a far better job showing the problem. I was seven years old when I figured out cartoons on Saturday morning were just long commercials. I assume you get to post because the credo is each person should have a voice. I submit that you disprove this. OWS needs a few serious people with ideas for going forward, not more Chicken Littles talking about the sky falling. Corporate greed and corruption of the democratic process is an old, old problem. If you have a solution, lets hear it. But, please, the protest thing won't work.

[-] 0 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

hey, ZuleikaAgain, was this post from RoughKarma an example of that psy ops you were talking about??

looks like the original troll behind it made a fresh sock puppet after he made you


[-] 1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

More nonsensical clap-trap from a paranoid and delusional conspiracy theorist.

Ironically, you are the one wasting everyone's time with your repetitious ramblings about secret government agents; ramblings that are never accompanied by one shred of evidence.

If there's anyone paid to disrupt discussions by posting useless drivel, it must be you.

I invite you to follow your own advice and delete this posting that has nothing to do with OWS. Like you said, we need to stay focused on the OWS cause. You can help everyone here achieve this aim by posting your ridiculous conspiracy theories on conspiracy theory websites where they belong. Show us that you care about OWS. Thank you.

[-] 1 points by occupypuppies (71) 13 years ago

Yeah. I just stay completely optimistic. Why even think about what could go wrong? That's not how we're going to make things change. It won't help us to try and seek out every possible pitfall. We have to focus on what we want and how we're going to get it without giving up.

Your words: "Just ignore their comments and ban them from the site. Stay focused on the OWS cause – corrupted democracy and corporate interests. As one US senator said, we are living with a new form of fascism – this is the problem the Occupy Movement is addressing."

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 13 years ago

Oh the negative taunts.

It's just too much for a koala to bear.....

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"Negative and disparaging comments, personal attacks against individuals and the Occupy Movement are hallmarks of intelligence agency activity designed to disrupt and demoralise the movement (psychological operations – ‘psy ops’ for short). They also waste peoples’ time with distracting and irrelevant comments."


Hear, hear! This site is infested with them: Thrasymaque, Rico, etc., etc.