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Forum Post: Fast Facts & Food For Thought To Fuel The Righteous Revolution

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 11:54 p.m. EST by Zebulon (3) from Brooklyn, NY
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The NFL, NBA, MLB, and all other professional, amateur, etc., sports leagues are generally registered as 501 designation Non-Profit organizations and those “leagues” pay no income tax. Schoolteachers, law enforcement and many other quasi-governmental employees have their own retirement funding entities and are typically not required to pay into Social Security. The alleged "statutory legal requirement" to obtain and possess a SSN is found published under Title 42 Section 666; and according to the Director for the SS Administration, and their litigation staff, there is no legal requirement for anyone to possess or obtain a SSN as a condition precedent for living or working in the U.S. Why, because Social Security is a voluntary program, and is not made mandatory by any law. (FOIA works wonders if you know how to use it.) The preambles to the Declaration of Independence & Constitution clearly identify the natural structure of the government of the sovereign people of this nation as essentially being a socialist republic with a democratic form of representation “for the people by the people”. Remember, “we hold these truths to be self evident… that all men are created equal and imbued by their creator with certain inalienable rights…” However, sovereignty is not a birthright in the U.S. but an acquired right the determination of which is predicated upon one willful and voluntary acts to secure it. (Blacks Law Dictionary) The 14th Amendment created a jurisdictional “State” whereby we could all become slaves; the 13th Amendment freed the “Slaves”. The U.S. currency, to wit, Federal Reserve Notes that Bankers, Lawyers & Politicians want you to believe are “Money” ($1, $5, $10, $20 etc.) are all "securities" according to U.S. law, and are in fact "exempted" from being used exclusively by "licensed" individuals otherwise required to possess “securities licenses” so that the citizenry can use them as a form of public exchange. Lawful/legal "Money" doesn't exist in this country any more as the "Federal Reserve" reserves nothing of real value save the real affects it steals from those it calls "debtors" because it operates a "debt based" Ponzi scheme that rewards only those who play their game. Funny though, if you want to open up a federal reserve banking branch, they require you pay up front with gold certificates, and do not accept payment in Federal Reserve Notes, which are merely promissory notes to the federal reserve bank, a privately held for profit entity… so much for the inherent value of fiat currency. (BLD) Title 5 USC identifies and governs all agencies, quasi-agencies & contractors of the federal & State governments, which include all offices other than the judicial, executive, and legislative branches; YES including the police. Title 5 also includes the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act, which gives private citizens the ability to take issue with how the government maintains information pertaining to them. Section 556(d) states that, "the proponent of a rule or order bears the burden of proof", that is to say, of proving their claim. That's why the Supreme Court has consistently ruled that every citizen must demand from every agent of government evidence validating the basis of their claims of authority, and to further demand an administrative hearing (show cause demand) at every instance of refusal. This is essential to the health of the Republic as the corrupt officials controlling the power structure typically operate through their brainwashed minions, to wit, egocentric Johnny Do-gooder “public servants” and the media to foment a Confidence (Con) game against the unwary over trusting public as a means to securing their own ends; a defacto government.



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[-] 2 points by ImhotepIsInvisible (52) 13 years ago

Holy paragraphing batman