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Forum Post: Real warriors for the truth must gather..

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 4:09 a.m. EST by elwad (44) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Real warriors for the truth must gather.

To be a "warrior" for the truth all that is needed is the will to speak the TRUTH. It's not the big buff guys that do it. More often than not it is our sisters who have the real GUTS. Let's see how many warriors are here.

Complaining about "the corporations" and "greed" is like farting at the Deaht Star. Darth Vader might get a chuckle out of it but it will never cause any damage and will only erode our stamina and increase the morose disgust many of us have after the shame that is brand Obama.

99% of the 99% are not ready to identify the Death Star and 80% never will be. Yes, that include this movement. I have been involved since day 10 and have been silently measuring the real pulse of the resistance. Most are too emotionally weak to engage in true battle.

What is true battle? It is speaking the TRUTH to power. Not a finger needs to be lifted, we can and should be MORE peaceful than Ghandi. When we speak the truth and speak it loudly and with the backbone of FACTS this is what scares the establishment. Their entire system (death star) is built around a core of lies and an umbrella of brainwashing that keeps us from seeing the truth.

Where do we stand now? The OWS movement has been led from the start and the "dark ones" have already gotten control of the website, bank accounts, and brought over those with psychopathic proclivities into the fold. This is very easy for them to do as they have been perfecting this art form of targeting the ones weak to darkness for hundreds of years. This movement has been created to fart at the Death star from the start and distract us from the real issue until the dark ones can hatch another MAJOR COUP.

The first major coup happened on 911. You guys remember that date right?

On 910 Rondal Dumsfield announced that they "lost 2.3 TRILLION" then on 911 a missile.. I mean plane hit the pentagon in the exact spot where the auditors were investigating.. opps. 2.3 TRILLION gone. The 2008 Bailout would not even have been attempted if we never fell for that 2.3 TRILLION out right robbery 7 years before. REMEMBER THAT

Then a week after 911 a 1000 page document magically appeared that TOOK AWAY ALL OUR RIGHTS. It was called the Patriot Act. The same guy that wrote it so magically fast is now the head of Home land security and he is also the guy who sold all those full body porno scanners to the TSA to further humiliate and break the will of the American people. He also made a few billion of that too. All a coincidence I am sure. The current atmosphere of absolutely no respect for our right to peacefully assemble is a direct cause f 911 REMEMBER THAT!!

The WARS in IRAQ ( 5+ million dead ), Afganistan, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and more are also a direct cause of 911. Too much to go into here but REMEMBER THAT.

Why does no one talk about 911 and how it is the major cause of all our current issues? hmmm...... BECAUSE THAT WOULD REQUIRE KNOWLEDGE AND BALLS. Two things that hardly anyone has both of right now. The 911 truth movement was co-opted by "the dark ones" EARLY on and is now a JOKE, just like the TEA PARTY. OWS will not become a JOKE, not while I breathe freely. The GA banned me from giving speeches and to many FEDS came up to me ( beware the guys with ponytails, always FEDS ) so now it is online only for me, at least in public.

All those who have some real guts, please send me a pm and I'll get you on the RED PILL MAILING LIST. Prove to me you are a real RED PILL'er and send me some examples of any articles you have written etc...

To be a warrior you don't need big muscles, testicles, guns or force, you simply need the WILL to do what the other guy won't and in this case it is "speaking the truth"


anonkid9 (at) gmail (dot) com



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

Let me get this straight, the 'official' 9/11 story completey throws the following out the window; Science, chemistry, engineering, architecture, physics, and common knowledge. Whats the point in all of humanities professional studies? Dont go to university to study any of these subjects because its all wrong according to 10 men in suits that wrote the 9/11 report."


Iraq has been based on lies since day 1

[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago


This is the 911 doc to watch.

[-] 1 points by Frizzle (520) 13 years ago

Arguing about what really happened on 9/11 is not going to change anything. If you are right, and i'm inclined to believe you are. (though we can never be sure), it doesn't help anything if we find out the truth. It doesn't magically solve the problems of our world.

Eventually humanity will have to step away from searching for justice and start thinking about real solutions.

[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

We can be sure.

Enough research and critical thinking and we can be 100% sure as I am. I know who did 911, why and am 100% convinced exposing them will SAVE this world, not just this nation. I'll debate anyone, in person, Anywhere in NYC. Lets get a group together and do it.

or... we can keep farting on the death star

[-] 1 points by Lizzy0Windsor (36) 13 years ago

The world would be so boring without retarded conspiracy theorists.

[-] 1 points by badconduct (550) 13 years ago

I don't know about all the conspiracy theories with 9.11 and jazz... but bin Laden's death is still absolute crap. It's so crap, I'd believe they purposely made it a conspiracy.

[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

he died 10 years ago. The pics they released were proven fake in 10 minutes. they released more pics later.. from the movie Recon 5...

If the government would like so blatantly like this and not even spend a few hundred bucks on a decent Photoshop job do you think 911 being a LIE is out of the question?

[-] 1 points by badconduct (550) 13 years ago

Yes, because it would be THAT obvious. It's easier to believe that the CIA doesn't do their job, and the FBI doesn't do their job, than it is to believe a small handful of people managed to hijack the whole media. Including eye witnesses, callers, people on the planes, etc.

[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

americans will soon see the truth and be forced to swallow the red pill

[-] 1 points by badconduct (550) 13 years ago

The truth about what?


[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

^ PAID SHILL of the US state department.

their 10,000 + paid trolls have been ordered to attack anything TRULY threatening.


[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Your last statement is corrupt. this forum is not threatening to you at all ... right now... I'll change that. Don't you worry :).

The PEOPLE will take this country back and SAVE the WORLD.


[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 13 years ago

Har Har Har I loves me red devils

[-] 0 points by mediaauditr (-88) 13 years ago

The Tea Party is a joke? Did you write that? You are calling a movement that has tens of millions of supporters nationwide, who rewrote history in Nov.2010 by voting out more than 80 corrupt politicians from both party's? The largest political shift in the history of the country. And you are speaking a red pills like we live in a fucking wackowski movie you fool? Jesus, perhaps their really is no hope for OWS

[-] 1 points by Royksopp (89) 13 years ago

The Tea party was completely corrupted within 5 months of inception. OWS is RAPIDLY running down the same path with every new "This is THE SOURCE for OWS information!!" page/post/article

[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago


Was I unclear the first time? Co-opted by the Dark ones early on. It has managed to avoid the central issue and now even embraced the true corruption.


Go away paid SHILL

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

I can tell by your third sentence, you watch way too many movies. Eventually, you view the world through Hollywood's eyes.

[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

anyone who uses the term "conspiracy theorist" is a shill or still living in delusion, 95% chance they are shills. The state department keeps 10,000 of them working trolling the net.

Realizing the truth about 911 and WHO did it, will be the missile straight into the heart of the death star. It will bring everything down. If you doubt this then you do not know enough. Research more and watch the documentary on Youtube "911 Missing links"

[-] 0 points by leoneo (76) 13 years ago

The great thing about a conspiracy theory is that it is built on a premace of something that can never be proven either way. That is the basis of the Theorists argument therefor they can never be proved wrong no matter how idiotic the argument.

[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

what theory are you talking about?

That 11 Arab cavemen brought down 3 buildings with 2 planes? I agree that is RETARDED CONSPIRACY THEORY to be believed only by weak minded clowns.

I am not exposing any theory, only facts!

I would ask you to re read my post but


[-] 0 points by leoneo (76) 13 years ago

Provide facts then to support your unprovable stance.