Forum Post: Farewell to Kings
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 6:08 p.m. EST by MrKnowItAll
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Everyone is beginning to understand that the kings of the planet must be dethrowned, incarserated for their crimes against humanity; their assets redistributed to the those that need it most. What Robin Hood did to the Sheriff of Notingham.
hey, i represent that! It's the title of a 1977 RUSH album
"and the men who hold high places must be the ones who start, to mold a new reality, Closer To The Heart"
Get over it. You are reading too many children's books. Come back down here where WE are and tell us something that we can believe in and work towards.
work towards Philadelphia:
Asking for welfare again?
I must have missed that, how much do the TBTF's want this time?