Forum Post: Fake Opposition
Posted 11 years ago on July 27, 2013, 8:26 a.m. EST by TikiJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"So the history of Democratic leaders such as Nancy Pelosi isn't one of opposition to mass NSA spying when Bush was in office, only to change positions now that Obama is. The history is of pretend opposition - of deceiving their supporters by feigning opposition - while actually supporting it."
So what is our problem where we simply cannot figure out how to lead ourselves, and need the constant leadership of proven criminal rackets?
Is it simply human nature? There have been countless examples of people rallying around proven criminals. just as they are here. Ignoring the brutal injustices, still believing things are not what they are.
It has got to be human nature. Either that, or we are the most naive people the world has ever seen. Never before has a government had bases in 138 countries and actively bombing 6 of them.
WWIII has already started. The us vs the rest of the planet.
Never before has a government nuked their way into world reserve currency, only then to purposely start destroying it with the hopes it destroys everyone elses first, and hence another consolidation.
Never before has a government had a spying network like this set up, storing everything that everyone does. Cameras on all corners.
Never before has a government set up a system to destroy the food supply globally as we know it.
All of these things didnt just start overnight. Its been a long time in the making, done through pathetic politicians who are too weak to lead and a population too wrapped up their own lives to notice.
Every government steers towards this kind of corruption, because its power. Its part of the reason why Occupy has no leaders. Leadership is power, and power corrupts.
So is what we are seeing- this total blindness and support of the planets biggest problem- simply human nature?
This article is a decent follow-up piece to that Guardian article:
you are correct people are wrapped up in their own lives. they just can't connect the dots between their daily actions and human and environmental destruction. they fail to recognize the immediate danger to freedom, liberty, even democracy. i have been trying to wake people up since '99 at least and i have never even converted not one middle of the road person they refuse to fathom any life different from the one they currently reside. really it's a shame too cause they are all living in an illusion and it's not their fault.
Yes, it is human nature. Humans are apathetic. It's the only way that tyranny has been able to rule around the globe for thousands of years. Now, that tyranny is consolidating under the US as its global enforcer and under the major New York banks as its global rulers. The seeds of that consolidation go all the way back to the creations of both the Dutch and British East India Companies at the beginning of the 17th century as well as to the beginning of the United States accompanied by the apathy of the people
I think the more significant question is why narcissism and debauchery are so pervasive. What's scary is that we can propose virtually anything to society and it will attract its followers. In 1902, August Englehardt, educated son of a German paint manufacturer, purchased a coconut plantation on the island of Kabakon for 41,000 Marks. Believing the paleo diet to be beneficial, and we the descendents of apes, he subsequently moved to the island to adopt a coconuts-only diet and worship the sun. Cool. Well he attracted a following and it would seem virtually all died of disease and malnutrition. Today, we have people of a very similar mindset living in Manhattan as Cavemen. Truth. We can sell the public ANYTHING. And that's exactly what our political parties are doing. They're selling us shit coated in sugar and people just can't get enough. It's really scary. Because I know that no matter what is said, it will attract fanatical proponents and followers. Have you ever seen a Fed government more unethical or more corrupt? And yet they have this fan base. It's bizarre.
Try-infiltrated gov, semiotics through national media designed to exploit instincts of the unconscious mind.
"I think the more significant question is why narcissism and debauchery are so pervasive. "
"They're selling us shit coated in sugar and people just can't get enough. It's really scary. Because I know that no matter what is said, it will attract fanatical proponents and followers. Have you ever seen a Fed government more unethical or more corrupt? And yet they have this fan base. It's bizarre."
It's either human nature or there is something wrong with us.
I'm not sure what it is, but I'm going to try to figure it out. I honestly dont know. Either option is possible on a certain scale.
Research cognitive dissonance.
And then take a good look at research on narcissistic personality disorder.
Will jump into cognitive dissonance.
This video by Incubus, one of my favorites, sums up naricissitic personality disorder perfectly..
Brilliant track. Thankyou.
Maybe a little bit of both.
I think there is something seriously wrong with us and the lifestyles we lead today.
Whatever changes come out of our struggle, and we need big ones...we have to have a system that holds people accountable
Power corrupts, and...not that long ago, this forum was a microcosm of how human nature can become corrupted when people are given power
That was when... unbeknownst to the anarchists who set this site up or the people who know what Occupy is about,
Moderators here betrayed the trust of the administration and worked in complicity with other partisans to bring this forum into the Democratic camp
Anyone who stood their ground and resisted became pariah-ized....the ones with perhaps the most creds were targeted, but all who were non-partisan felt the heat!
Anyway it's great to see that the forum is back on track as it reflects the rest of the movement much more closely now
Most of us though miss the banned anarchist poster PeterKropotkin's thoughtful writing, and when he is reinstated, we will know that this forum is much closer to perfect health
Hey Odin.
I'm not 100% sure PK got banned. When it seemed like he was there were some strange things happening to posts. For instance, some posts would say "minus 1" comments. Minus 1? It may have been a computer problem like what happened to Renneye recently.
At any rate, he came back under a different username that didn't get banned. I got a couple PM's from him and his absence, at least under his new username, is voluntary.
OK, I hope it was a computer problem, and that he wasn't banned, ''cause his views were closer to the anarchists who set this site up that anyone's. He should also get his pseudonym back since Kropotkin (the real one) was an anarchist.
I'm pretty sure his second username wasn't banned. And apparently it was also the name of a famous Russian anarchist:
He had a couple reasons for leaving. One was an English class he had scheduled for this sometime this summer, Maybe there's a chance he'll return in the fall when he gets more free time.
Thanks, Bakunin's story was interesting, and I knew Peter was in school. Still though I do remember that he was pissing off one of the partisans here before departing as PK
You have a good memory. ;-)
I think the same thing may have happened to 'jrhirsch'. When I asked him about his absence, he said everything he posts gets automatically 'removed'. I told him it may have been a computer glitch, but I have not heard back from him, so I don't know whether he is unable to get back on with a different username or whether it left him with a bad taste and he decided to give up on the forum. I miss his 'voice of reason', and wish him back.
Yeah, jr was a good poster. Hopefully some of those guys will show back up. The forum needs more input!
Wasn't jr's problem at about the same time as yours?
Mine was a little over 2 weeks ago, and jrhirsch's was 3 weeks ago.
Yes, I like jrhirsch's level of intuition. I hope he comes back, also.
“The victor will never be asked if he told the truth. ”
Guess who said that?