Forum Post: Fake News
Posted 6 years ago on Feb. 23, 2019, 10:17 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"Is It OK to Manipulate People to Extract Their Money, Just not for Politics?
"It's not 'Fake News' That's the Problem, It's the Algorithms That Disseminate It
"Because of its restricted focus, the usefulness of many of the solutions proposed in the DCMS Committee's report is somewhat limited. That's disappointing. But all is far from lost, and there are other directions for progress. To get there, we need to think bigger than Facebook. It's time to acknowledge the role of surveillance capitalism in these systemic issues. It's time to recognise that the problem isn't just content - it's dissemination and amplification by algorithm to maximise profit at all costs."
There "is" most certainly PROBLEMS with CorpoRAT media. Like I said though = it's just not the problem our Criminal-n-chief in the oval office is crying about!
For Profit threats in order of severity:
1) Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. - the banksters and Wall St. parasites are the greatest threat the human race has ever faced.
2) For profit Medicine and pharmaceuticals.
3) For profit Energy
4) For profit communications. Includes the Tower of Babel that the monetized internet has devolved to as well as exaggerated intellectual property monopolizations and extractions.
5) For profit mass transportation
6) Housing
The list is very long as for profit operations effect every aspect of life!
Long indeed! It's the purely abstract enterprises, though, that are the most destructive. They have no material product or service. Their profits, like the FIRE sector's, are purely parasitic and a fatal disease of the economy that supports human life.
Huh - sounds like a job description for the wealthy few.......
The Republican Party has become a cult!
Will you be coming out in support of Bernie Sanders in his pursuit of the Democratic Nomination?
How do you feel about Bernie Sanders seeking the Democratic nomination?