Forum Post: FairTax?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 29, 2011, 8:43 a.m. EST by H8theST8
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Just curious, since one of the occupy themes seems to be centered around equality, how does this relate to taxes? If the rich should pay their "fair" share and I'm assuming that the poor should doe the same because that would be "fair", then how do the occupiers propose this play out? It seems that the fairest option would be a national sales tax that nobody can escape? How do occupiers feel about the FairTax?
The poor already pay taxes. Progressive taxes.
The poor don't pay taxes because they are subsadized by the government. Now if they weren't receiving any money from the government then I would say "yes, they already pay taxes".
How can you say a person pays taxes when they receive free money.
That's what I would like to know. And if you all want to fix this country, I suggest getting behind the FairTax and supporting it full-out until it's passed. The FairTax will transfer power from the politicians and ultra rich to the people. We the People. For info go to or or
I like the idea. Mr. Obama says we all need to have skin in the game. No free rides.
The Fair tax would solve a lot of problems. The thing is though that our govt. doesn't want to give control of our money back to us. They like having the IRS take our hard earned money away from us so they can spend it on their own little projects. Install the Fair Tax and eliminate the IRS.
You mean as opposed to paying income tax? Sounds very fair to me; let's make it 40% on all items.