Forum Post: Fairness - Breakdown of a Working Year
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 16, 2011, 3:35 p.m. EST by elpinio
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
My household makes 400k a year.
I work from January 1 to July for the government, to subsidize services I don't use (e.g. public schools, public transport, subsidized housing, unemployment benefits, emergency rooms for routine checkups, welfare, medicaid, foodstamps).
From July to August, I work for a place to live, given that my work requires me to live in NYC where the rent is ridiculous.
From August to September, I work for food and clothes and transportation.
So, out of 12 months of the year, it is not until October that I am making money for myself.
And somehow, people want to raise taxes on me? Screw them.
Consumable wealth for living expenditures must be limited. The richest person can consume only 20 times the poorest. Wealth which is spend for consumption should be redistributed. Bill Gates, Obama can only consume 20X when a janitor consumes 2X, safety net is 1X which is enough for shelter, food, health, education. If you want more than that, want a car, and travelling, you should be working to earn more than 1X, anybody who can work should get at least 2X which can lead to home ownership if spend wisely. Safety net, 1X, should allow people to grow intellectually so they can still give back to society however they like. Everybody owes to society all the time. Personal consumption can not go over 20X, because if you build a mansion, you rule, and we are no longer equal politically. Your wealth and economic power will give you connections and political power. Society invests in social, economic, politic infrastructure, create more social and humane contract for society. Bill Gates can spend 20X a year, and can have as much investment money as possible. Nobody can have a chunk of this world, the world is holly and precious. The most productive, talented and hard worker can earn 20X max, when a burger guy earns 2X, and unfortunate can have safety net of X. People do science and contribute to society based on love for humanity, justice, truth, knowledge. The system is same because Bill Gates can have unlimited resources but can only consume 20X, so his home is maximum 20 times larger than a burger guy's home. We owe our lives to every living creature who existed, suffered through time through existence, we owe ourselves to other human being who creates the gene pool, the society and the possibility of existence of us. We owe our lives to all other people around the world. We can not become kings and queens through corrupt organizations such as states. States are for to level the field, to bring justice and equality. State can not become center of power. It will be corrupted. One simple legislation can bring you this new world which will transform your lives and the world. Economic system will be more productive. What do you say?
I say learn how to use paragraphs.
You know I agree with you. Where do other people get the balls to tell you or me that they have a right to our money and theirs while you and I do not.
Absolutely. Mob mentality.
Entitlement mentality
you make 7-Thousand dollars a week and you want to complain about taxes?
Yes, because none of it goes to me until October.
you are lying, that would mean you already pay 300 thousand in taxes per year. and only get to keep 100 thousand a year for yourself get over yourself
Bet there are lots of people around here who would think that is would be fair.
Would you be willing to work for a year and not get paid until October? Didnt think so.
You will never win this argument on this site. They don't want to hear facts they just want what you have and have worked for without working for it themselves. It has been sad to see what could have been a great and motivating movement turn into a You have it, so I want it but I'm not going to work for it cause.
Agreed. It should be about inequality and a discussion of the structural changes we need to make in our government and society to address it. Instead, it is a frenzied call to rob the rich to give to the poor. Idiotic.