Forum Post: Fair Warning: Do not clog up traffic or subway systems Ever.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:40 a.m. EST by otherwisee
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
New Yorkers do not take kindly if you clog our systems up. We all want to get to work/home whether we work for wall street or not. Whether it is today or any other day.
Do not block any New Yorkers way to anything. You will not be pleased with the outcome. Do not touch us. You can protest, but stay out of our way.
Unfortunately the people who are fed up with being robbed raped and ripped off are New Yorkers as well. When the system has been taken over by criminal gangs of thugs who are bent on taking the lions share of the profit and excluding evryone else things are gone horribly wrong. If people who complain about the protest woke up and participated in this unstopable international movement for justice there would be no need for civil disobedience.
I don't care. I am the 99% and I don't support such crap. No I do not make over 100K, but I am doing well enough to have a home. I am ambition I did not go to a private college for a 100K a year loan. My tuition was 5k a year. We all choose what to do with our lives and you all chose incorrectly. That's your fault.
If all of you stopped going to private colleges and taking out loans you would ALL be better off. Private Universities would in turn LOWER tuition.
I agree with this, I've been on a very packed A train and it's very tight in there. If you act up in there they wont be afraid to boot you off the train, it might incite violence actually. : ( Plus Wall St. employees probably don't ride the train anyway.
Oh they do, but they have families to feed and 80% of wall street people do not make over 100K individually. Most of us work 10+ hours a day. They block my way home I'll show them some New Yorker treatment.
Don't they understand... Moving barriers, sitting in streets, shoving police, it is playing into the hands of those that do not want OWS to succeed...
Remain peaceful at all cost...
Even CNN is reporting that OWS is turning violent.
Don't be stupid. Get mad but stay peaceful...
You 'workers' have a job now, but what about next year when a corporation decides they no longer need you. You should begin a sick-out in support of these Americans who are suffering at the hands of corporations and banks.
I will get a new job if it comes to that. For now I work 10+ hours a day for a low salary and I am appreciative that I am learning new things at my job to expand my skill and knowledge set.
We are not going to clog the subway we just want to distribute information!!!
they are the occupiers...let the people rise and take down the OCCUPIERS!
New Yorkers: Do you know that the transit workers' union backs the Occupy Movement? You should really respect their power of shutting down the entire transit system, if the need arises. As placid pilgrims who have paid homage to the powers that be for so long, New Yorkers will surely understand the potential raw powers that can be brought to bear. P.S. It's 10 p.m. Do you know where your veterans and hackers are?
You were warned. That is all. Do not get in my way.
New Yorkers do have a right to a peaceful life but pushing for changes can cause "collateral damages" so it is in everybody's interests to keep things as peaceful and hassle-free as possible. The system is broken so reform becomes necessary. As long as everyone knows well about the potential consequences, we may be able to avoid miscalculations.
You sound like an idiot. It's completely ridiculous to get in people's way like this to spread a message or belief. Successful operations don't hinder those they want support from.
Cleitophon: What do you suggest as a better alternative to achieve a successful operation? How do you get people to understand that complacency is what got us here and it would only make things worse if we do not fix the system. The band-aid on "Too Big to Fail" no longer works and the problem has metastasized here and elsewhere (as in Europe - "Too Big to Save" even for the number one economic power there - Germany). We need to save the U.S.A. at all costs!