Forum Post: Fair Pricing
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 11:56 a.m. EST by rooster30
from Ewing, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Simply outlaw discounts for volume. Equal wholsale pricing will allow anyone to compete with the largest monopolies in this nation. Small towns and rural areas would again thrive, monopolies would now have to compete. More small operations equal more employment. Wall Street cannot employ America, it never has and never will. We need a more fair business environment and everything would repair itself leaving capitalism intact. Wall street may suffer a bit, but any sane person shouldn't care if the casino is upset. Fair wholesale pricing would solve most of the problems in this economy and create the jobs Americans deserve.
There is a lot of collusion on pricing. Who knows what something is actually worth.
Wal-Mart forces Proctor and Gamble to put crappy chemicals in their products, to further lower the prices so they can dominate in all markets.
Localism now. There should be localized shopping centers, all run by local owners.
Fair pricing already exists. It's the price the consumer is willing to pay. In 1973, the consumer was willing to pay Sears a lot of money for bellbottom jeans. Today, Sears would be lucky to get $5 a pair.
It's unethical to require any business to sell it's product or services for a set price. People have the right to decide for themselves at what price they will buy and at what price they will sell.
What is considered fair?? competition drives prices up and down. If you cap prices then fairness goes out the window. First step to be fair is to quit bailing out banks let them fail. Then eliminate monopolies to increase competition. Caps don't help if you just eliminate a business by bankrupting them. You are just taking away competition.
Price setting has NEVER EVER worked.
Not price setting. If you sell a product to walmart for a price, it should be available to me at that price also. Otherwise my business is being discriminated against and walmart is able to sell its product for less than I can purchase it for, thus giving monopolies an environment that thrives. The wholesaler should set their prices and make this price available to all retail businesses. Discounts for volume are what created the situation we are in right now.
Nobody in my idea is having their prices set! They set their own prices. For a proper system to work and allow fair competion, discounts should not be given for volume. I own a restaurant in a mostly white area. If I gave all my white customers a 20 percent discount that other nationalities couldnt get, would that be fair or proper? What is the difference? Its all discrimination. Discrimination is not just race or religion, it can exist in the business world also where neither race or religion are involved.
"Discounts for volume are what created the situation we are in right now."
Really? No offense, and I mean this as sincerely as I can say this. You need to brush up on your economics if you think a volume discount has created the mess we are in.
Telling me that I have to have a uniform pricing structure is MOST DEFINITELY price setting. It costs LESS for me to produce more, so therefore I am going to pass those savings on to you. If I have to sell 1 unit for the same price as I have to sell 500 units, I am going to jack up the price of that first unit as much as I can to cover all of the overhead that goes into one unit. All you are doing is increasing prices for EVERYONE.
I am sure your competition will still be the biggest consideration when you set your wholesale price per unit.