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Forum Post: Fair, equal and Greediness

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 12:51 p.m. EST by kalim (0)
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We might not be able to fully understand to what extent the damages brought by Wall Street. However we understand that no firm actions have been taken against those should be responsible for it. For me, this is the exact reason to support OWS. We have paid too much for the inequality: high pay for the bankers but high risk for the nation. We have been stroked down by Wall Street and we are suffering now. It might take us years to stand again. And we might fall down again if the non-productive activities in Wall Street are not well-regulated. The most important is how to regulate the greediness which expand among the Wall Street bankers.



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[-] 1 points by MimiNY (2) 13 years ago

America is the place where OPPORTUNITY is guaranteed. But riches are not. You have to earn your riches through hard work, doing jobs you may not like but you have to start somewhere. Without Wall Street, there would be no Apple - no iPhone, iPad, iPod. There would be no laser surgery, no mammographies, no cardiac stents. There would be no Starbucks, no Home Depot. Take a business class, for heaven's sake and get educated on how the free market system works. My take is that there is a fair amount of jealousy among OWS because, if you could be successful, you would have done so, but laziness, lack of creativity, lack of drive have reduced you to a "follow the leader" mass, looking for a piece of someone else's pie. I refuse to take handouts from my fellow citizens; rather, I prefer to work for what I have and to share my good fortune as I see fit. Stop being ego-centric - it's all about you, you poor things! - and become a viable member of an industrial society. Stop demonizing success. Stop suffocating the industrious! We are the ones who create the very things you enjoy, like iPhones, sleeping bags, parks, food, social media, planes, clothes, etc. You are sadly mistaken if you think banks are the evil behind your problems. Government regulations - and regulations that are not enforced - are the problems. Anarchism will not stand in this country, nor will socialism. Take your fight somewhere else.