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Forum Post: Facts, please

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:29 p.m. EST by RipVanWinkel (0) from Centurion, GP
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Good problem-solving goes where the facts lead. Behind every good solution is a key question, behind which is a relevant fact.

Before proposing solutions, I suggest agreeing these facts. My own shortlist here is:

This is a rich planet - given half a chance. There is enough to go round.

Natural economics has been practiced by prosperous humans from our outset, patently to the general good.

Humans are fallible, and there is always a small minority of cheats.

"Pilot error" is the easy finding; examining the system for subtle flaws can be laborious and may require you to change your view.

Money is an enabling technology for modern economics; if it were scrapped, someone would have to reinvent it.

"The condition...of liberty is eternal vigilance, lacking which slavery [follows]."

Shooting them all and starting afresh may be a triumph of hope over experience.

"...the price goes up for one reason...only: Because the market will bear it."

Pareto rules (80:20).

"Calling a tail a leg does not make it so."

"Politics is the art of the possible."


The following posts are clearly based on facts that need discrete articulation: Instead of Demands, Solutions An alternate scenario Proposed Economic Agenda For OWS A Posible Solution To The Problem A real list of demands - Please Debate- A simple set of demands. What we will need Attention: I Have "THE PLAN"!

The System: Can it be Fixed or Must it be Replaced? A Question for Everyone

One offered fact: 4 Facts That Prove The EFSF Is 100% Pointless

If this factual high ground is permanently occupied, it should prevail. All suggestions welcome; the impertinent ones will be distinct.



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