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Forum Post: Facist Moderators Banning Thought

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 9:02 p.m. EST by fishcreek (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There are moderators on Chat, EPI, Catsup, Raijn and a few others that allow sex, violence, drugs and foul language, but when those people are challenged by reason, thought or logic you get banned. So much for freedom, liberty and discussion. Apparently the movement is now violent, unreasonable, without a course of action other than chaos. Too bad. Too sad.



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[-] 1 points by justcause (44) 13 years ago

I got banned from chat for questioning the motives of this movement when they were stopping people completely from getting to work that are part of their 99%, now I don't even care what these guys want or what happens to them, if the police do something to them, good job for the police

[-] 1 points by Pitviper (4) 13 years ago

Thumbs up! Its a headless horseman, proclaiming to be all for direct democracy and free speech... as long as that speech is what it wants to hear! That is a tyrant's form of "democracy" You can do it your way as long as it is how we say.... funny they claim to be leaderless and composed of all political movements, yet they bash all things like little children would, especially movements that have been around decades longer than they! And the leaderlessness.... well, there is certainly, beyond doubt a blatant and severe bias of thought here to say the least!...A sly influential hand of the phantom head(s). The two days I spent here inspired me to do madd articles though! :)
