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Forum Post: Exponential Growth Curve

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 12:56 a.m. EST by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA
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2tellthetruth1 points 9 minutes ago

gawdoftruth: the largest one is in New York and if a dagger is plunged into the New York protest the other ones will fizzle out. now the wage slave stuff is just nonsence bordering on drivel from a maniac.


if new york ends that is the same as martydrom. quite the opposite of what you seem to think that would only drive new numbers and new urgency to the movement. 50 thousand people in times square. hmmm. Somehow i don't think you seem to understand. The police are out numbered and there is nothing they can do to 50 thousand people. If they wait for the numbers to dwindle down to 1000 and then arrest all of those people, 50 thousand will be back the next day.

The police can not win this. They can only prove themselves consistantly to be evil scum sucking bottom feeding tools of the oligarchy, which will circularly prove to all of those people that their rights to free assembly and free speech have been lies. A population that believe the lie that they had rights were willing to sleepwalk without them. A population which learns first hand that those rights were lies and illusions will TAKE those rights back- one way or another.

contrary to your imagined spiral down, this is actually growin at a geometric rate, an exponential rate. Every single time some pig thinks even that coralling people - let alone abusing them- can have any sort of impact to control that- only fuels the anger and fury of the population at large. People like you have no idea. As obi wan once said.; if you cut me down i will only become more powerful than you can imagine."

OWS can't be stopped and every ounce of energy put into stopping it only FUELS the rebellion.



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