Forum Post: Explain This
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 1:43 a.m. EST by AergerII
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Why is NBC giving a disproportionate amount of coverage to this "movement" when it is owned by General Electric? Could it be that Obama is using you people as tools to deflect criticism away from himself? Research the relationship between GE CEO Jeff Immelt and Obama.
I agree but what to do about it, what is our demand? One way to take back control of our governemtn is to to demand that lobbies are outlawed, and anyone caught dabbling in lobbyism be held accountable for nothing less than treason. Corporations are not endowed with inaliable rights, and since they are not sentient beings, they do not have the right to representation in the congress or house. True, they are composed of people, but each one of them should have one vote, just like the rest of us, not one in the pools and much more power through money and influence.
Obama's little army of zombies (meaning and vote harvesters have been trying to hijack the movement. So has various other vote harvesters and weasels. They've been told too many times to count to fuck off, but they can't understand those simple words.
The movement for the most part wants nothing to do with them. Politicians are part of the problem that is the movement's resistance cause: Betraying America for the sake of greed.
The first subprime loans were issued in 1994. It was a gimmick to sell more homes, artificially inflate the market, sell more homes at higher profits, foreclose on those who could not pay when the ARM rates readjusted, take their homes leaving them with nothing to show for their payments, resell the homes at a higher profit and so on. It was a cruel and calculated plan to sell more homes and artificially inflate the market. Those loans were incredibly profitable for well over a decade before the house of cards finally collapsed. In the meantime, bankers got richer along with the richest one percent who made off with higher dividends. It was a sham.
The biggest player in the game was Countrywide. Endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, and Dr Phil. If you have their shows from '04' to '06' on tape, watch them again. All three were paid millions specifically to endorse Countrywide by name. The biggest subprime player in the game. They issued more ARM loans than anyone else. Foreclosing on those who could not make their monthy payments when the rates suddenly went through the roof. It was a cruel and calculated plan to sell more homes, artificially inflate the market, foreclose, and resell for a higher profit. The sham worked like a charm for 12 years before the house of cards finally fell in.
Oprah, Ellen, and Dr Phil were paid millions for their endorsements. Ch'Ching!
If I am correct Chris Dodd, a co-writer of the banking legislation that was supposed to be a response to such practices, recieved huge kickbacks from Countrywide. Congress is the fox gaurding the hen house. Vote Tea Party and remove these criminals from congress.