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Forum Post: Expand the OWS movement

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 11:08 a.m. EST by BM1954 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS is just what this country needs, but here is my 2 cents. OWS has brought light to the general issue, but also needs to focus and bring light onto the 1%. OWS should protest at the homes of Senators, Congress persons and CEO's and at the headquarters of the the most corrupt corporations. OWS has stated the issue now it is time to name names and put pressure on those individuals and corporations.



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[-] 1 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

To all of the filthy disgusting rich pigs and sold out corporate media personalities trying in hopeless miserable crying pants wetting vain to intimidate OWS: That means you Bill O'Reiley, Sean Hanity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Lara Ingraham, Eric Harley, Tammy Bruce, Ann Coulter, Jim Bohannon, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Jerry Doyle, and so many others. Don't you get it yet? Are you really that fucking stupid? Let me explain it to you one more time. 

We are sort of like a colony of hornet's. We've been here in this tree for sometime now. Watching from a distance as our surrounding environment gets more and more screwed up by pigs like you. So one day, we finally get fed up and swarm.

You see where I'm going with this? What about you Limbaugh? Hanity? Coulter? Anyone out there in pig land see where I'm going with this?

That's what I thought. No clue. Let's continue.

So we're out here swarming to defend the environment surrounding our nest. Our cause is just. Anyone with half a brain would keep their distance or at least behave more responsibly in the environment that we all have no choice but to share. Anyone with half a brain that is.

The bunch of you pigs must have well under half a brain collectively. You actually believe that you can intimidate or manipulate a swarm of hornets. You've tried everything from stupid jokes to lame insults to grade school psychological tricks and diversionary tactics. But we're still here. Still, we swarm. In fact, your half-wit strategies to intimidate or manipulate us have only stirred up more hornets. Another day. Another nest. 

Still, you try in hopeless miserable crying pants wetting vain to intimidate or manipulate us. You just keep ramping up the same old ineffective strategies. 

Still, we swarm.

You might want to consider altering the reckless behavior that got us all stirred up to begin with.

In the meantime, you might want to prepare yourself a soothing oatmeal bath.  

You're going to need it.