Forum Post: Evolution or Revolution: PT1 Capitalism or Socialism?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 8:21 p.m. EST by modszhrafow
from Brisbane Grove, NSW
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Capitalism or Socialism ?
Everything that exists does so as a fluctuation between to polar extremes. In fact the most beautiful things in the world show a harmoniously balanced combination of the best features of these two extremes, whilst successfully softening the influence of their faults. This is a profound truth of all existence and the basis behind the many esoteric trinities that proliferate throughout our metaphysical literature. People like to think of things as being right or wrong, good or evil, or black and white. The truth of the matter is that something can only exist for an extended length of time if it is a shade of gray.
This principle should be equally applied to our social ideology, with most people tending to gravitate to one extreme or the other. Some say “Capitalism is the only way to guarantee growth and prosperity, the only path to ensure the preservation of liberty and the only system that rewards hard work and ingenuity”. Others say that “Socialism is the great equaliser, the protector from greed and a bastion that shelters the underprivileged”. There would appear to be no room to “sit on the fence” so to speak, no balanced middle path.
It is our destiny to create and sustain this central ideological path, though it will constantly be a difficult and challenging undertaking, as both extremes, if not tamed and maintained by a strong hand and watchful eye, have the potential to become dangerous and destructive beasts. We need Capitalisms dynamic potential for creation, though guided by enlightened minds instead of desire driven greed. We need Socialisms social conscious and supportive qualities for the underprivileged, so as these people can live their life to a degree which is free of suffering, thus allowing them the chance of living a meaningful life that can contribute to the greater good of us all. Of course care should always be taken to ensure that apathy does not set in allowing society to decline into an extended period of stagnation.
We should all be wary of people and individual behavior that serves to divide and ridicule, with all our own actions and deeds serving to include and unite. This ideal state can never come into being while our political system revolves around competition and opposition. A cooperative mindset is its only hope, for all dualities are ignorant by nature, and will constantly seek to discredit and destroy one another. In fact it is the duty of all awakening and enlightened people to combine these pairs of ignorant opposites into a third entity, a single united whole, so as they can perform their proper duty as the building blocks of creation.
Finally, the Internet will have a huge part to play in our future political undertakings. Indeed social networking media will be the tool of choice for a truly global and democratically functioning society.
This is a rather anonymous SONG-CHANT-RANT offering, that will hopefully unify our message on the streets. Imparting some basic historical information that has lead to the continued debasing of free forms of Government. Where a select group of power seekers never seem to have enough of anything, including us.This is a very serious time for the FREE Global Community, our only weapon is Martin Luther King's legacy. They further try to discredit us with accusations of not having a coherent message when their only endgame is to further in-slave us! Abusing others until there is only two classes the Haves and Have-Not's
Proportionalism. I think you would like the read.
A large part of the problems faced today is that we have suffered from what is commonly called a mixed economy, one that is a hybrid capitalist/socialist system that essentially ends up as Corporatism. In Corporatism, the government essentially forms a Patronage System, one where there is a development of a powerful elite, one that would essentially be the same as the old Politburo of the former Soviet Union. That class of elite would share all the benefits from a highly regulatory business sector, at least in this country; in the former Soviet all companies were State Owned and since, under a Socialist system there always arises the problems of economic calculation, the system becomes even more unequal than the one we witness in this country.
The U.S. government has created a system by which it can greatly benefit from the mixed economy, controlling and manipulating both monetary and economic movements while providing, through its patronage system, multiple benefits to those massive corporations, including a regulatory system that prevents or at least hinders competition and stifles the rise of competitive commerce.
I just thought Bush was bad, but under Obama, the ability for any individual or group of individuals to actually begin a business in this country fell from a world-wide position of #3 down to #16 within a little over 2.5 years. That is a real shut out of opportunity, it has also become twice as expensive to start a business since Obama came to office...why? The answer is an increased amount government sponsored Corporatism and the patronages that follow such a system.
The middle path between capitalism and socialism has been tried in this country for the last 78 years or so since the Administration of FDR, it has not worked and cannot work because of the tendency for the corruption of Corporatism and Patronage through the mixture of centralized planning, protective regulations and subsidies. The answer is a market free of those patronages, government and central bank manipulations, market interventions and a free market that allows the broadest spectrum of opportunities available. None of those things are possible under either a mixed economy such as you speak, or under a purely socialistic society, nor are such opportunities available under a system of Corporatism.
Wow I just boomed and busted in my pants. Good post!
Ah Rothbardian.....hit my blog