Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:20 a.m. EST by BehindTheWall
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Where consumers are able to band together and like organized labor, consolidate their power, a movement will be acknowledged and their power recognized.
Power wielded by individual members or partnerships via large-scale corporate 'America' who are violating business ethics could be identified you know? I'm not talking about the current gaggle of jury-rigged laws that define a false ethic not installed by the people, but by the corporate lobbyist. We as a nation need to return to a set of business ethics and practices established BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE to protect individuals and the common well-being of our true national interests (not speaking to corporate interests here - oil, war machines, etc.).
Whenever using the term, 'America' we would do better to recognize when or when we are not truly speaking to all or at least a majority of Americans. This continues to be a major gripe of the 99% now moving into the streets in protest.
If they, no, if we all were to focus our efforts upon just one particularly bad example, a single poster child, if you will, of evil greed and corruption that always seems to evade the same rules that the rest of us must follow then our impact would be maximized. Can you imagine for a moment what it would mean to the movement if we demonstrated the raw strength of our movement on just one identified offender? Triggering a major downturn on a single representative of the Fortune 500 circle would cause a wave of fear among stockholders across the board. Representatives of all large corporations that routinely plunder our nation and its people of their great wealth would be cause to sit up and take note.
Perhaps we don't need lobbyist, at least not comparatively speaking, such as those dark examples set by our current system of corporate vampires who through their paid lobbyist enter the political arena with fists full of cash to exert their evil influences. No, perhaps a united consumer nation could perform in a manner that corporations and their coddling behavior never were able to. We might just be able to set a positive example by showing what real power is all about, and it's not about money. It's about sustainable values that bring us back to our senses again. We need to selectively weed out the bad Apples (pun intended). There are corporations such as the real Apple that have made major contributions to the world and that have a CEO that was paid one cent /year saleries - sure the pulled their charitable funding and shiped jobs to Taiwan (iPhone5 production), but who didn't, right? Yeah, that's right so we hadn't kiss the ground Apple sits upon without a script for an antibiotic. We need an even better example! What about the balls to the wall evil corporations who sell the very soul of America out from underneath her (bad Apples).
Wall Street has been famous for being amoral, above or outside the law. Hell, they (the corporations) have been allowed to make most of our laws! Their foot soldiers are mercenaries, seduced by the same money dealing monsters they serve and have helped to create. One thing these paid warriors lack however is spirit and soul when they enter the battle field and we've all seen global examples of how one by one or in mass, they defect and retreat when faced by an earnest revolution. To be sure, these mercenaries wield a powerful weapon at first, but good must always prevail over evil. History has shown over and over and over again that might does not make right, and that the 'little guy' has found his power many times before.
Bewae, as we gain traction the wealthy will soon act like addicts denied their needle or the alcoholic whose bottle is denied them. If the present movement takes a foothold in America, we are likely to see classic addiction behaviors in response to our pressing against their corporate disease. A small group of wealthy and influential people are going to do whatever money can do to fix someone's boat! The weak of heart should pass up that voyage.
Maybe it is time though that the people had a word with the 1% and gave them fair notice!
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